
侯宏伟 研究员

职  称: 研究员
学  历: 博士研究生
联系方式: 86-27-68788691
办  公  室: 3号实验楼302

1985.9-1989.6 河南师范大学 生物专业 本科

1999.9-2004.7 北京大学生命科学学院 植物学专业 硕博连读


2004.8-2008.3 University of Lethbridge 博士后

2008.4-2010.7 多伦多大学 博士后


2014.3-至今 中国科学院水生生物研究所 研究员/博士生导师




1. 环境因子对植物表型的调控和机制研究

“异形叶”指基因型相同的植物由于环境差异,叶形出现显著差异的现象,这种现象为研究环境对表型的调控作用提供了一个理想研究模型。通过筛选,我们发现一种水族观赏植物爵床科(Acanthaceae)的异叶水蓑衣(Hygrophila difformis)的叶形在陆生和水生条件下差异显著,该植物易于扩繁和遗传转化,以此植物为主要研究材料,研究环境、基因和植物激素等对异形叶形态的调控关系,阐明环境因子调控异形叶形态的基因调控网络和主要途径。

2. 浮萍研究及应用

浮萍(Duckweed)属天南星科(Araceae)浮萍亚科(Lemnoideae)的水生高等植物,广布于各种淡水生境,包括紫萍(Spirodela)、斑萍(Landoltia)、青萍(Lemna)、扁无根萍 (Wolffiella)、芜萍(Wolffia)5属,36种。浮萍具有个体小、结构简单、繁殖快等特点,适宜于工厂化生产,使其在研究植物形态建成、发育和进化,以及生物技术应用等方面有极大潜力。我们从种质、培养和遗传转化入手,结合形态解剖、基因组学等方法研究浮萍器官退化的机制;研究了浮萍的营养类型、低硫、低磷胁迫的信号途径;筛选了适于监测和富集重金属的浮萍品系,并对Nramps(金属离子转运蛋白)、PCS(植物络合素)、GSH(谷胱甘肽)等重金属转运相关蛋白编码基因进行了克隆和功能研究。

3. 水生植物生态学研究

水生植物是湖泊、湿地等淡水生态系统重要的初级生产者,是水生生物群落多样性的基础,也是维持生态系统运转的关键类群,其多样性、环境适应和种群动态同样具有重要意义。以高原和长江流域的重要湖泊为对象,采用综合营养状态指数法对湖泊的营养水平现状进行评估;我们选择代表性的水生植物,如:菱(Trapa bispinosa)、苦草(Vallisneria natans)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)等,用分子标记、甲基敏感多态性分析(MSAP)和微卫星标记(Microsatellite)等方法揭示不同的时空因素对物种、种群和个体水平的多样性和遗传格局的影响,揭示水生植物的分布、遗传多样性演变的规律及其在淡水生态系统中的功能。

4. 水生蔬菜研究

通过多种栽培方式和组织培养等方法,研究水芹(Oenanthe javanica)、豆瓣菜(Nasturtium officinale)等水生蔬菜在水、温度等逆境胁迫下的生理变化和基因表达,鉴定重要性状基因,筛选优良种质。


1. 2020.9-2023.8 中科院国际合作重点项目(中日合作)-水生植物异形叶的发育、生态和进化研究,109.9万元,主持;

2. 2019.8-2022.7 国家重点研发计划项目(政府间科技创新合作重点专项,中日合作,2017YFE0128800-水生植物异形叶研究模型及形态的调控研究,266万元,主持;

3. 2019.1-2021.12 国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓科技创新重点专项(2018YFD0900800-渔业水域生境退化与生物多样性演变机制,83万元,参与;

4. 2019.1-2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31870384-环境因子调控异叶水蓑衣异形叶形态建成的机制研究,70.8万元,主持;

5. 2017.11-2020.12 湖北省技术创新专项重大项目(2017ABA135-利用菌、藻综合处理畜禽养殖废水关键技术研发,100万元,主持;

6. 2015.9-2016.12 留学人员科技活动项目-大型水生植物的基因改良及其在汞污染监测和修复中的应用研究,10万,主持;

7. 2015.1-2017.12 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2015CFB488-大型水生植物的基因改良及其在汞污染治理中的应用,3万,主持;


先后主持国家重点研发计划项目国家自然科学基金面上项目中国科学院国际合作重点专项项目湖北省科技创新重大项目中国科学院-湖北省院地合作项目、人社部留学人员科技活动项目、湖北省自然科学基金等项目15项。在植物生理学、生态学和植物遗传学等研究领域的国内外学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,包括“科学通报”、“植物生理学报”、“水生生物学报”、“Plant Cell”“Plant Journal”“Planta”“Journal of Experimental Botany”“Bioresource Technology”“Antioxidants””Frontiers in Immunology”“Plant Cell Reports”“BMC Evolutionary Biology”“Frontiers in Plant Sciences”等学术期刊。




1.    X. Zhao, J. Yang, G. Li, Z. Sun, S. Hu, Y Chen, W. Guo, H. Hou*. Genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of the WRKY gene family in aquatic plants and their response to abiotic stresses in giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza), Genomics, 2021, 113(4).

2.    G. Li, S. Hu, X. Zhao, S. Kumar, Y. Li, J. Yang*, H. Hou*, Mechanisms of the morphological plasticity induced by phytohormones and the environment in plants, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22 (2): 765.

3.    S. Kumar, G. Li, X. Huang, Q Ji, K Zhou, H. Hou, W. Ke*, J. Yang*. Phenotypic, nutritional, and antioxidant characterization of blanched Oenanthe javanica for preferable cultivar, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021.

4.    S. Kumar, G. Li, J. Yang, X. Huang, Q Ji, K Zhou, S. Khan, W. Ke *, H. Hou*. Investigation of an antioxidative system for salinity tolerance in Oenanthe javanica, Antioxidants, 2020, 9, 940.

5.    Z. Sun, W. Guo, J. Yang, X. Zhao, Y Chen, L. Yao, H. Hou*. Enhanced biomass production and pollutant removal by duckweed in mixotrophic conditions, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 317, 124029.

6.    G. Li, S. Hu, J. Yang, X. Zhao, E. Schultz, S. Kimura, H. Hou*. Establishment of an Agrobacterium mediated transformation protocol for the detection of cytokinin in the heterophyllous plant Hygrophila difformis (Acanthaceae), Plant Cell Reports, 2020, 39(3).

7.    Z. Wu, X Xu, J Zhang, G. Wiegleb, H. Hou*. Influence of environmental factors on the genetic variation of the aquatic macrophyte Ranunculus subrigidus on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2019, 19: 228.

8.    G. Li, S. Hu, H. Hou, S. Kimura*. Heterophylly: phenotypic plasticity of leaf shape in aquatic and amphibious, Plants, 2019, 8(10), 420.

9.    S. Khan, Y Liu, R. Siddique, G. Nabi, M. Xue *, H. Hou*. Impact of chronically alternating light-dark cycles on circadian clock mediated expression of cancer (glioma)-related genes in the brain, International Journal of Biological Sciences 2019, 15(9): 1816-1834.

10. S. Khan, M. W. Ullah, R. Siddique, Y Liu, I. Ullah, M. Xue*, G Yang*, H. Hou*. Catechins-modified selenium-doped hydroxyapatite nanomaterials for improved osteosarcoma therapy through generation of reactive oxygen species, Frontiers in Oncology, 2019, 9: 499.

11. J. Yang, G. Li, S. Hu, A. Bishopp, P. P. M. Heenatigala, S. Kumar, P. Duan, L. Yao, H. Hou*. A protocol for efficient callus induction and stable transformation of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden using Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Aquatic Botany, 2018, 151: 80-86.

12. P. P. M. Heenatigala, J. Yang, A. Bishopp, Z. Sun, G. Li, S. Kumar, S. Hu, Z. Wu, W Lin, L. Yao, P. Duan, H. Hou*. Development of efficient protocols for stable and transient gene transformation for Wolffia globosa using Agrobacterium, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 227.

13. J. Yang, G. Li, A. Bishopp, P. P. M. Heenatigala, S. Hu, Y Chen, H. Hou*. A comparison of growth on mercuric chloride for three Lemnaceae species reveals differences in growth dynamics that effect their suitability for use in either monitoring or remediating ecosystems contaminated with mercury, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 112.

14. N. Mariyamma, K. Clarke, H Yu, H. Hou, E. Wilton, J. Dyk, E. Schultz*. Members of the Arabidopsis FORKED1-LIKE gene family act to localize PIN1 in developing veins. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, 69 (20): 4773–4790.

15. S. Khan, G. Nabi, L Yao*, R. Siddique, W. Sajjad, S. Kumar, P. Duan, H. Hou*. Health risks associated with genetic alterations in internal clock system by external factors. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018, 14 (7): 791–798.

16. S. Khan, P. Duan, L Yao*, H. Hou*. Shiftwork-mediated disruptions of circadian rhythms and sleep homeostasis cause serious health problems. International Journal of Genomics, 2018, 2018: 8576890.

17. G. Li, S. Hu, J. Yang, E. Schultz, K. Clarke, H. Hou*. Water-Wisteria as an ideal plant for heterophylly study in higher aquatic plants, Plant Cell Reports, 2017, 36 (8):1225–1236.

18. S. Hu, G. Li, J. Yang, H. Hou*. Aquatic plant genomics: advances, applications, and prospects, International Journal of Genomics, 2017: 6347874.

19. Z. Wu, J Wu, Y Wang, H. Hou *. Development of EST-derived microsatellite markers in the aquatic macrophyte Ranunculus bungei (Ranunculaceae), Applications in Plant Sciences, 2017, 5: 1700022.

20. N. Mariyamma, H. Hou, F. Carland, T. Nelson, E. Schultz*. Localization of Arabidopsis FORKED1 to a RABA positive compartment suggests a role in secretion, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68 (13): 3375–3390.

21. S. Khan, R. Siddique, G. Nabi, Q Li, H..Hou*, I. Ali*. Investigation of sewage and drinking water in major healthcare centres for bacterial and viral pathogens, Hydrology: Current Research, 2017, 8: 2.1000272.

22. S. Khan, M. Ullah, R. Siddique, G. Nabi, S. Manan, M. Yousaf, H. Hou*. Role of recombinant DNA technology to improve life, International Journal of Genomics, 2016: 2405954.

23. S. Shen, H. Hou, C. Ding, D. Bing, Z. Lu*. Protein content correlates with starch morphology, composition and physicochemical properties in field peas. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2016, 96 (3): 404–412.

24. S. Khan, G. Nabi, M. W. Ullah, M. Yousaf, S. Manan, R. Siddique, H. Hou*. Overview on the role of advance genomics in conservation biology of endangered species, International Journal of Genomics, 2016: 3460416.

25. H. Hou *, N. Atlihan, Z. Lu*. New biotechnology enhances the application of cisgenesis in plant breeding, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2014, 5: 389.

26. M. Held#, H. Hou#, M. Miri#, C. Huynh, L. Ross, M. S. Hossain, S. Sato, S. Tabata, J. Perry, T. Wang, K. Szczyglowski*. Lotus japonicas cytokinin receptors work partially redundantly to mediate nodule formation, The Plant Cell, 2014, 2, 282 : 678-6946.

27. H. Yoon #, M. Hossain #, M. Held, H. Hou, M. Kehl, A. Tromas, S. Sato, T. Tabata, S. Andersen, J. Stougaard, L. Ross, K. Szczyglowski*. Lotus japonicus SUNERGOS1 encodes apredicted subunit A of a DNA topoisomerase VI and is required for nodule differentiationand accommodation of rhizobial infection, The Plant Journal, 2014, 3, 24, 78 (5): 811-821.

28. H. Hou, Z. Zhang*, W. Zhao, J. Hou, Generating DNA sequences encoding tandem peptide repeats suitable for expression and immunological application, World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2012, 2, 22, 28: 2175-2180.

29. J. Garrett#, M. Meents, M. Blackshaw, L. Blackshaw, H. Hou, D. Styranko, S. Kohalmi, E. Schultz*. A novel, semi-dominant allele of MONOPTEROS provides insight into leaf initiation and vein pattern formation, Planta, 2012, 2, 21, 236(1).

30. H. Hou, J. Erickson, J. Meservy, E. Schultz*. FORKED1 encodes a PH domain proteinthat is required for PIN1 canalization in developing leaf veins, The Plant Journal, 2010, 8, 3, 63: 960-973.

31. H. Hou#, Y Zhou#, K. Mwange#, W Li, X He, K Cui *. ABP1 expression regulated by IAA and ABA is associated with the cambium periodicity in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2006, 10, 9, 57 (14): 3857-3867.

32. K. Mwange #, H. Hou #, Y Wang, X He, K Cui *. Opposite patterns in the annual distribution and time course of endogenous abscisic acid and indole-3-acetic acid in relation to the periodicity of cambial activity in E. ulmoides, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2005, 2, 14, 56 (413): 1017-1028.

33. K. Mwange, H. Hou, K. Cui*. Relationship between endogenous indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid changes and bark recovery in E. ulmoides after girdling, Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (389), pp 1899-1907, 2003/5/2.

34. H. Hou, K. N. Mwange, K. Cui. Changes of Soluble Protein, Peroxidase Activity and Distribution during Regeneration after Girdling in Eucommia ulmoides, Acta Botanica Sinica, 2004, 46 (2): 216-223.

35. K. Mwange#, H. Hou#, Y Wang, X He, K Cui*. Opposite patterns in the annual distribution and time course of endogenous abscisic acid and indole-3-acetic acid in relation to the periodicity of cambial activity in Eucommia ulmoides, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2005, 56: 1017–1028.

36. H. Hou, Seasonal variation of auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1) in the cambial region and ultrastructural and peroxidase analysis during bark regeneration in Eucommia ulmoides, 2004, Ph. D Dissertation of Peking University, China

37. 杨晶晶, 赵旭耀, 李高洁, 胡诗琦, 陈艳, 孙作亮,侯宏伟*. 浮萍的研究及应用进展, 科学通报, 2021, doi: 10.1360/TB-2020-0927.

38. 李高洁,胡诗琦,杨晶晶,侯宏伟*. 植物异形叶研究进展, 植物生理学报,2020, 56 (10): 2067-2078.

39. 吴志刚, 熊文, 侯宏伟*. 长江流域水生植物多样性格局与保护. 水生生物学报 2018. 43: 1000-3207.


1. 一种农杆菌介导的紫萍稳定转化体系建立的方法,申请号:201610518360.x


1.    J. Yang, S. Hu, G. Li, H. Hou. The Duckweed Genomes: Transformation Development in Duckweeds, New York: Springer nature, (Eds): 2019, 978-3-030-11044-4, 455980_1_En, (15).






Prajani Heenatigala, 2018年博士毕业,在斯里兰卡国家水资源研发局(NARA)任职


Suliman Khan, 2019年博士毕业,在郑州大学任职

