
李熙银 副研究员

职  称: 副研究员
学  历: 博士研究生
联系方式: 86-27-68780786
办  公  室: 3号实验楼705







入选了中国科学技术协会首批“青年人才托举工程”,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,中国科学院水生生物研究所青年人才项目,宁夏回族自治区东西部科技合作项目子课题。已在Genetics,Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,Heredity等国内外核心刊物上发表研究论文21篇,其中SCI刊源论文18篇,并获得2014年中国科学院科技促进发展奖科技贡献一等奖(排名第四)。

近期研究兴趣:1. 鱼类遗传与环境性别决定机制研究;2. 鱼类生殖方式与性别决定方式的关联和进化适应性研究;3. 鱼类微小染色体起源和演化研究;4. 鱼类新品种培育






[1] Li XY#, Gui JF*, Diverse and variable sex determination mechanisms in vertebrates. Sci China Life Sci. 2018, 61: 1503–1514.

[2] Li XY#, Zhang QY, Zhang J, Zhou L, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Wang D, Gui JF*, Extra microchromosomes play male determination role in polyploid gibel carp. Genetics. 2016, 203: 1415-1424.

[3] Li XY#, Liu XL#, Zhu YJ, Zhang J, Ding M, Wang MT, Wang ZW, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Origin and transition of sex determination mechanisms in a gynogenetic hexaploid fish. Heredity. 2018, 121: 64–74.

[4] Li XY#, Zhang XJ, Li Z, Hong W, Gui JF*, Evolutionary history of two divergent Dmrt1 genes reveals two rounds of polyploidy origins in gibel carp. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2014, 78: 96-104.

[5] Li XY#, Liu XL, Ding M, Li Z, Zhou L, Zhang XJ, Gui JF*, A novel male-specific SET domain-containing gene setdm identified from extra microchromosomes of gibel carp males. Sci Bull. 2017, 62: 528-536.

[6] Zhu YJ#, Li XY#, Zhang J, Li Z, Ding M, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Distinct sperm nucleus behaviors between genotypic and temperature-dependent sex determination males are associated with replication and expression-related pathways in a gynogenetic fish. BMC Genomics. 2018, 19: 437.

[7] Li XY#, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Expression characterization of testicular DMRT1 in both Sertoli cells and spermatogenic cells of polyploid gibel carp. Gene. 2014, 54: 119-125.

[8] Li XY#, Gui JF*, An epigenetic regulatory switch controlling temperature-dependent sex determination in vertebrates. Sci China Life Sci. 2018, 61: 996-998.

[9] Wang D, Mao HL, Peng JX, Li XY, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Discovery of a male-biased mutant family and identification of a male-specific SCAR marker in gynogenetic gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio. Progress in Natural Science. 19 (2009), 1537-1544.

[10] Pan ZJ, Li XY, Zhou FJ, Qiang XG, Gui JF*, Identification of sex-specific markers reveals male heterogametic sex determination in Pseudobagrus ussuriensis. Mar Biotechnol. 17 (2015), 441-451.

[11] Zhang J, Sun M, Zhou L, Li Z, Liu Z, Li XY, Liu XL, Liu W, Gui JF*, Meiosis completion and various sperm responses lead to unisexual and sexual reproduction modes in one clone of polyploid Carassius gibelio. Sci Rep. 5 (2015): 10898.

[12] Liu W, Li SZ, Li Z, Wang Y, Li XY, Zhong JX, Zhang XJ, Zhang J, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Complete depletion of primordial germ cells in an all-female fish leads to sex-biased gene expression alteration and sterile all-male occurrence. BMC Genomics. 16 (2015), 971.

[13] Liu XL, Jiang FF, Wang ZW, Li XY, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Chen F, Mao JF, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Wider geographic distribution and higher diversity of hexaploids than tetraploids in Carassius species complex reveal recurrent polyploidy effects on adaptive evolution. Sci. Rep. 7 (2017), 5395.

[14] Liu XL, Li XY, Jiang FF, Wang ZW, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Numerous mtDNA haplotypes reveal multiple independent polyploidy origins of hexaploids in Carassius species complex. Ecol. Evol. 7 (2017), 10604–10615.

[15] Shao GM, Li XY, Wang Y, Wang ZW, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF*, Whole genome incorporation and epigenetic stability in a newly synthetic allopolyploid of gynogenetic gibel carp. Genome Biol Evol. 10 (2018), 2394-2407.


[1] 青年人才托举工程(Y61Z041301),中国科学技术协会,2015.11-2017.12;

[2] 雌核生殖银鲫雄性发生及性别分化机制研究(31873036),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.1.1-2022.12.31;

[3] 银鲫超数微小染色体与雄性决定关联解析(Y613051301),国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,2016.1.1-2018.12.31;

[4] 银鲫温度依赖型性别决定的研究(Y75E051301),中国科学院水生生物研究所青年人才项目,2017.1.1-2018.12.31;

[5] 兰州鲶分子标记辅助选择育种(Y74934),宁夏回族自治区东西部科技合作项目子课题,2017.11.1-2020.12.31。