
何牡丹 副研究员

职  称: 副研究员
学  历: 博士研究生
联系方式: 027-68788613
办  公  室: 3号楼416

2005.9-2009.6 武汉理工大学 生物科学与技术专业 本科

2009.9-2015.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所 遗传学专业 博士(硕博连读)


2016.6-2020.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所 助理研究员

2020.12-2022.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所 项目副研究员

2022.12-至今 中国科学院水生生物研究所 副研究员


1. 2023.1-2026.12 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,80万元,主持

2. 2023.1-2026.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,54万元,主持

3. 2018.1-2020.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金,24万元,主持

4. 2019.9-2024.8 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,48万元,子课题负责人

5. 2021.1-2025.12 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金,400万,项目骨干

6. 2017.1-2020.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,65万元,项目骨干





1He, M.D., Zhang, R., Jiao, S.B., Zhang, F.H., Ye, D., Wang, H.P., and Sun, Y.H. (2020). Nanog safeguards early embryogenesis against global activation of maternal β-catenin activity by interfering with TCF factors. PLOS Biology 18, e3000561

2He, M.D*., Jiao, S.B*., Zhang, R., Ye, D., Wang, H.P., and Sun, Y.H. (2022). Translational control by maternal Nanog promotes oogenesis and early embryonic development. Development 2022, 149(24)

3He, M.D., Zhang, F.H., Wang, H.L., Wang, H.P., Zhu, Z.Y., and Sun, Y.H. (2015). Efficient ligase 3-dependent microhomology-mediated end joining repair of DNA double-strand breaks in zebrafish embryos. Mutation Research 780, 86-96

4Zhang, F.H., Li, X.M., He, M.D., Ye, D., Xiong, F., Amin, G., Zhu, Z.Y., and Sun, Y.H. (2020). Efficient generation of zebrafish maternal-zygotic mutants through transplantation of ectopically induced and Cas9/gRNA targeted primordial germ cells. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 47, 37-47

5Ye, D., Wang, X.S., Wei, C.Y., He, M.D., Wang, H.P., Wang, Y.W., Zhu, Z.Y., and Sun, Y.H. (2019). Marcksb plays a key role in the secretory pathway of zebrafish Bmp2b. PLOS Genetics 15, e1008306

6Ye, D., Tu, Y.X., Wang, H.P., He, M.D., Wang, Y.Q., Chen, Z.F., Chen, Z.X., and Sun, Y.H. (2022). A landscape of differentiated biological processes involved in the initiation of sex differentiation in zebrafish. Water Biology and Security 1310059

7Zhang, F.H., Hao, Y.K., Li, X.M., Li, Y., Ye, D., Zhang, R., Wang, X.S., He, M.D., Wang, H.P., Zhu, Z.Y., and Sun, Y.H. (2021). Surrogate production of genome-edited sperm from a different subfamily by spermatogonial stem cell transplantation. Science China Life Science. 65, pages969–987

8Sun, Y.H., Zhang, B., Luo, L.F., …… He, M.D. 2020 Systematic genome editing of the genes on zebrafish Chromosome 1 by CRISPR/Cas9. Genome Research 30, 118-126

9Liu, C.J., Ye, D., Wang, H.P., He, M.D., and Sun, Y. H. (2020). Elovl2 But Not Elovl5 Is Essential for the Biosynthesis of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) in Zebrafish: Insight from a Comparative Gene Knockout Study. Marine Biotechnology 22, 613-619.

10Ye, D., Zhu, L., Zhang, Q.F., Xiong, F., Wang, H.P., Wang, X.S., He, M.D., Zhu, Z.Y., and Sun, Y.H. (2019). Abundance of Early Embryonic Primordial Germ Cells Promotes Zebrafish Female Differentiation as Revealed by Lifetime Labeling of Germline. Marine Biotechnology (NY) 21, 217-228

