![]() 个人简历: 张堂林,男,1966年3月生,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1986年毕业于华中农学院(现更名为“华中农业大学”)水产系,同年分配到中科院水生生物研究所,后在该所获理学硕士和博士学位。承担国家科研项目和研究任务10余项,主要开展了长江中游湖泊鱼类群落多样性比较、鱼类群落营养格局、河蟹渔业生物学、小型鱼类和虾类资源评估、鳜与河蟹等名优水产增养殖技术、转基因鱼生态风险评估等研究。发表论文60余篇,获国家和省部级奖励4项。 研究方向: 1. 湖泊渔业生态学:基于鱼类群落生态和食物网研究,探讨湖泊渔业资源合理利用的理论基础和技术原理,研发重要经济水产种类增养殖技术,建立可持续的高效环保的生态渔业模式。 2. 名优水产种类养殖生态学:主要研究新兴养殖种类早期生活史特征及摄食、生长和繁殖生态;研究养殖动物对关键环境因子变化的生理响应,评估环境胁迫对养殖动物健康的影响,确定养殖动物不同发育阶段适宜的环境需求。 3. 遗传改良鱼类环境风险评估:研究遗传改良鱼类(如转基因鱼)的适合度、生存力、繁殖力和建群能力,探讨基于种群特征参数的生态风险预测技术;评估遗传改良鱼类逃逸可能引发的环境风险,制定风险防范对策。 4. 池塘生态学与养殖技术:重点研究池塘营养物质高效利用原理、水质调控技术、适宜生境构建技术;研究名优水产种类苗种规模化繁育技术、食用鱼单养和混养模式的放养参数,集成创建健康高效环保的养殖技术体系。 电话:86-27-68780369 电子邮件:tlzhang#ihb.ac.cn(发邮件时将#换成@) 发表论文(2008-): [1] Luo MZ, Zhang TL*, Li ZJ and Liu JS. Maximum handling size,prey size and type selection by snakehead (Channa argus) feeding on juvenile Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Aquaculture Research, 2013, (doi: 10.1111 /are. 12014) (SCI源刊, *通讯作者). [2] Li W, Zhang TL*, Zhang CW, Li ZJ, Liu JS and Hicks BJ. Effects of turbidity and light intensity on foraging success of juvenile mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2013 (DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-0096-0) (SCI源刊, *通讯作者). [3] Zhong CY, Song YL, Wang YP, Zhang TL, Duan M, Li YM, Liao LJ, Zhu ZY and Hu W. 2013. Increased food intake in growth hormone-transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) may be mediated by upregulating Agouti-related protein (AgRP). General and Comparative Endocrinology (doi: 10.1016 / j.ygcen. 2013. 03. 024) (SCI源刊). [4] Li W, Zhang TL*, Ye SW, Liu JS and Li ZJ. Feeding habits and predator-prey size relationships of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) in a shallow lake, central China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2013, 29(1): 56-63 (SCI源刊, *通讯作者). [5] Li X, Yu YH*, Zhang TL*, Feng WS, Ao HY and Yan QY. Seasonal variation of plankton communities in an artificial lake with released transgenic common carp and its relationship with environmental factors. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2012, 30 (3): 379-403 (SCI源刊, *通讯作者). [6] Ni JJ, Yu YH*, Zhang TL*, Gao L. Comparison of intestinal bacterial communities in grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, from two different habitats. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2012, 30 (5): 757-765 (SCI源刊, *通讯作者). [7] Lin ML, Wang QD, Xia YG, Murphy BR, Li ZJ, Liu JS, Zhang TL and Ye SW. Effects of Two Anesthetics on Survival of Juvenile Culter mongolicus during a Simulated Transport Experiment. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 2012, 74 (4): 541-546 (SCI源刊). [8] Lin ML, Xia YG, Murphy BR, Li ZJ, Liu JS, Zhang TL and Ye SW. Size-Dependent Effects of Coded Wire Tags on Mortality and Tag Retention in Redtail Culter Culter mongolicus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2012, 32 (5): 968-973(SCI源刊). [9] 罗鸣钟, 张堂林 ![]() *, 张超文, 李钟杰, 刘家寿, 吴小平. 七种捕食性鱼类对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹捕食风险的评估. 水生生物学报, 2012, 36(5): 932-938 (*通讯作者).
[10] 张超文, 张堂林*, 朱挺兵, 李为, 谢志才. 洪泽湖大型底栖动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系. 水生态学杂志, 2012, 33(3): 27-33 (*通讯作者). [11] 叶少文, 张堂林, 李钟杰, 刘家寿. 牛山湖两种优势小型鱼类空间分布与沉水植被的关系. 应用生态学报, 2012, 23(9): 2566- 2572. [12] 曾文涛, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李钟杰. 长江中游三个湖泊中华绒螯蟹生长变化研究. 淡水渔业, 2012, 42(2): 47-54. [13] Duan M, Zhang TL*, Hu W, Li ZJ, Sundstr?m LF, Zhu TB, Li ZJ and Zhu ZY. Behavioral alterations in GH transgenic common carp may explain enhanced competitive feeding ability. Aquaculture, 2011, 317: 175-181 (SCI源刊, *通讯作者). [14] Li X, Li ZJ, Liu JS, Zhang TL, Zhang CW. Effects of light intensity on molting, growth, precocity, digestive enzyme activity, and chemical composition of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture International, 2011, 19: 301–311 (SCI源刊). [15] 吴利, 冯伟松, 张堂林, 徐昊, 余育和. 湖北省西凉湖浮游动物群落周年动态变化及其与环境因子的关系. 湖泊科学, 2011, 23( 4) : 619-625. [16] 吴利, 冯伟松, 张堂林, 余育和. 春、秋季武湖浮游动物群落特征及其与环境因子的关系. 水生态学杂志, 2011, 32(2): 31-36. [17] 熊晶, 谢志才, 蒋小明, 胡炜, 张堂林, 舒少武. 转基因鱼试验湖泊铜锈环棱螺种群动态及次级生产力. 生态学报, 2011, 31(23): 7112-7118. [18] Li W, Zhang TL* and Li ZJ. ![]() Spatial distribution and abundance of small fishes in Xiaosihai Lake, a shallow lake along the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2010, 28(3): 470-477 (SCI源刊, *通讯作者).
[19] Duan M, Zhang TL*, Hu W, Guan B, Wang YP, Li ZJ and Zhu ZY. Increased mortality of growth-enhanced transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) under short-term predation risk. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2010, 26(6): 908-912 (SCI源刊, *并列第一作者). [20] Guan B, Hu W, Zhang TL, Duan M, Li DL, Wang YP and Zhu ZY. Acute and chronic un-ionized ammonia toxicity to “all-fish” growth hormone transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(35): 4032-4036 (SCI源刊). [21] Zeng WT, Li ZJ, Ye SW, Xie SG, Liu JS, Zhang TL and Duan M. Effects of stocking density on growth and skin color of juvenile darkbarbel catfish Pelteobagrus vachelli (Richardson). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2010, 26(6): 925-929 (SCI源刊). [22] 李为, 张堂林*, 段明. 转基因鲤放流试验湖鲫的年龄与生长. 淡水渔业, 2010, 40(2): 9-14 (*通讯作者). [23] 冯唐茂, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李钟杰. 洪湖低湖田改造池塘河蟹养殖技术研究. 淡水渔业, 2010, 40(4): 66-71. [24] Duan M, Zhang TL*, Hu W, Wang YP, Li ZJ* and Zhu ZY. Elevated ability to compete for limited food resources by ‘all fish’ growth hormone transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Journal of Fish Biology, 2009, 75: 1459–1472 (SCI源刊, *通讯作者). [25] Wu L, Yu YH, Feng WS and Zhang TL. ![]() Genetic diversity of the plankton community and its relation to taxonomic composition and environmental factors in Lake Xiliang. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 2009, 24(1): 125-134 (SCI源刊).
[26] Wu L, Yu YH, Zhang TL, Feng WS, Zhang X and Li W. PCR-DGGE fingerprinting analysis of plankton communities and its relationship to lake trophic status. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2009, 94(5): 528-541 (SCI源刊). [27] 罗鸣钟, 吴小平*, 张堂林*, 欧阳珊. 饵料鱼大小对乌鳢捕食的影响. 华中农业大学学报, 2009, 28(6): 726-730 (*通讯作者). [28] 颜庆云, 余育和, 张堂林, 冯伟松, 李学梅. 滤食性鲢鳙PCR-DGGE指纹分析.水产学报, 2009, 33(6): 972-978.
![]() ![]() ![]() [29] Guan B, Hu W, Zhang TL, Wang YP and Zhu ZY. Metabolism traits of ‘all-fish’ growth hormone transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Aquaculture, 2008, 284: 217–223 (SCI源刊).
[30] 张堂林, 李钟杰. 长江中下游四个湖泊鱼类与渔业研究. 水生生物学报, 2008, 32(2): 167-177. [31] 张堂林, 李钟杰, 曹文宣. 鱼类生态形态学研究进展. 水产学报, 2008, 32(1): 152-160. [32] 吴利, 余育和, 张堂林, 冯伟松, 颜庆云, 龚迎春, 宋晓红. 牛山湖浮游生物群落DNA指纹结构与理化因子的关系. 湖泊科学, 2008, 20(2): 235-241. |