![]() 个人介绍: 博士,研究员,博士生导师。 研究方向为藻类生物学和生物技术。研究内容涉及藻类光合作用、生理生化、细胞分子生物学、光生物反应器系统设计、大规模微藻培养、微藻生物能源及高附加值生物化学品研发、以及利用微藻处理废水和含高二氧化碳的工业废气等。 1996年于以色列本-古里安大学(Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)获博士学位;1996-2000年先后在日本海洋生物技术研究所(Marine Biotechnology Institute, Japan)和美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)做博士后研究;2001-2013年先后在亚利桑那州立大学做助理研究教授,助理教授和教授。2013年受聘为中科院水生生物研究所研究员。担任Phycologia和Algae的副主编和Algal Research和Journal of Applied Phycology的编委。 招生专业:水生生物学(硕士),遗传学(博士) 电话:86-27-68780905 电子邮件:huqiang#ihb.ac.cn 代表文章: 1. Richmond A. and Q. Hu (2013) Handbook of Microalgae Culture, 2nd Edition, Wiley- Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. Pp. 719 2. Y.K. Lee, W. Chen, H. Shen, D. Han, Y. Li, H. Jones, J. Timlin, and Q. Hu (2013) Basic Culturing Techniques and Growth and Biochemical Analyses of Microalgae, pp. 37-68. In Richmond and Hu (eds.) Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. 3. Hu, Q. (2013) Environmental effects on cell composition, pp. 114-122. In Richmond and Hu (eds.) Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. 4. M. Starbuck & Hu, Q. (2013) First principles of techno-economic analysis of algal mass culture, pp. 310-326. In Richmond and Hu (eds.) Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. 5. J. Liu & Hu, Q. (2013) Biology and large-scale production of Chlorella, pp. 329-338. In Richmond and Hu (eds.) Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. 6. Han, D., Li, Y. & Hu, Q. (2013) Biology and large-scale production of Haematococcus pluvialis, pp. 388-405. In Richmond and Hu (eds.) Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. 7. Li, Y., Han, D., Yoon, K., Zhu, S. M. Sommerfeld & Hu, Q. (2013) Molecular and cellular mechanisms for lipid synthesis in microalgae and biotechnological implications, pp. 545-565. In Richmond and Hu (eds.) Handbook of Microalgal Culture, 2nd edition, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK. 8. P. Zemke, M. Sommerfeld, and Q. Hu (2013) Assessment of key biological and engineering design parameters for enhanced production of Chlorella sp. (Chlorophycease) in an outdoor photobioreactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (97: 5645-5655. 9. J. Liu, M. Sommerfeld, & Q. Hu (2013) Screening and Characterization of High Docosahexaenoic Acid-Producing Isochrysis Strains and Optimization of Culture Conditions for Enhanced Docosahexaenoic Acid Production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97:4785–4798. 10. Yoon, K. Han, D. and Li, Y. Sommerfeld, M. and Hu, Q. (2012) Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase is a multifunctional enzyme involved in membrane lipid turnover and degradation while synthesizing triacylglycerol in the unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Cell 24: 3708–3724. 11. Han, D., Wang, J. F., Sommerfeld, M. & Hu, Q. (2012) Susceptibility of swimming and immobile cells of Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae) to photooxidative stress. Journal of Phycology 48: 693-705. 12. Zhang, X., Amendola, P., Hewson, J., Sommerfeld, M. & Hu, Q. (2012) Influence of growth phase on harvesting of Chlorella zofingiensis by dissolved air flotation. Bioresource Technology 116: 477-484. 13. Jia Yang, Ming Xu, Qiang Hu, Milton Sommerfeld, & Yongsheng Chen (2011) Water Footprint of Biofuel Production from Microalgae. Bioresource Technology 102: 159-165. 14. Li, Y., Han, D., Hu, G., Dauvillee, D., Sommerfeld, M., Ball, S. & Hu, Q. (2010) Chlamydomonas starchless mutant defective in ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase hyper-accumulates triacylglycerol. Metabolic Engineering 12: 387-391. 15. Zhang, X.Z., Q. Hu, Puruhito, E., Sommerfeld, M. and Chen, Y.S. (2010) Using Cross Flow Membrane to Concentrate Algae Biomass for Biofuels. Bioresource Technology 101:5297-5304. 16. Chen, W., Zhang, CW, Song, L. R, Sommerfeld, M. & Hu, Q. (2009) A High-Throughput Method for Quantitative Measurement of Neutral Lipids in Microalgae. Journal of Microbiological Methods 77: 41-47. 17. Hu, Q., Sommerfeld, M., Jarvis, E., Ghirardi, M., Posewitz, M., Seibert, M. & Darzins, A. (2008) Microalgal triacylglycerols as feedstocks for biofuel production: perspectives and advances. The Plant Journal 54, 621–639. 18. Li, Y., Sommerfeld, M., Chen, F. & Hu, Q. (2008) Consumption of oxygen by astaxanthin biosynthesis: a protective mechanism against oxidative stress in Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Plant Physiology 165: 1783-1797. |