



  1. 鱼类营养学

  2. 饲料蛋白源

  3. 水产品质量安全

  招生专业: 水生生物学





  1. Yongqin Tu, Shouqi Xie, Dong Han, Yunxia Yang, Junyan Jin, Xiaoming Zhu*. Dietary arginine requirement for gibel carp (Carassis auratus gibelio var. CAS III) reduces with fish size from 50 g to 150 g associated with modulation of genes involved in TOR signaling pathway. Aquaculture (online 2015.02.031)

  2. Yongqin Tu, Shouqi Xie, Dong Han, Yunxia Yang, Junyan Jin, Haokun Liu, Xiaoming Zhu*. Growth performance, digestive enzyme, transaminase and GH-IGF-I axis gene responsiveness to different dietary protein levels in broodstock allogenogynetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) CAS III. Aquaculture . 2015. 446:290-297.

  3. Jiancheng Zhou, Dong Han, Junyan Jin, Shouqi Xie, Yunxia Yang and Xiaoming Zhu*. Compared to fish oil alone, a corn and fish oil mixture decreases the lipid requirement of a freshwater fish species, Carassius auratus gibelio. Aquaculture, 2014. 428–429: 272–279.

  4. Ying Huang, Dong Han, Xiaoming Zhu*, Yunxia Yang, Junyan Jin, Yifeng Chen, Shouqi Xie. Effect of dietary aflatoxin B1 on growth, fecundity and tissue accumulation in gibel carp during the stage of gonad development. Aquaculture, 2014. 428–429 : 236–242.

  5. Xucheng Xiao, Dong Han , Xiaoming Zhu*, Yunxia Yang , Shouqi Xie, Ying Huang. Effect of dietary cornstarch levels on growth performance, enzyme activity and hepatopancreas histology of juvenile Red Swamp Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard). Aquaculture, 2014. 426-427: 112-119.

  6. Guifang Dong, Xiaoming Zhu*, Hongxiang Ren, Boyao Nie, Lu Chen, Hui Li & Bo Yan. Effects of oxidized fish oil intake on tissue lipid metabolism and fatty acid composition of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Aquaculture Research. 2014. 45(11):1867-1880.

  7. 刘晓庆,解绶启,韩冬,朱晓鸣*,杨云霞,金俊琰。饲料鱼粉、菜粕比例对异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)生长和饲料利用的影响。水生生物学报,2014。38(4):657-663。

  8. Guifang Dong, Shouqi Xie, Xiaoming Zhu* , Dong Han, Yunxia Yang , Lirong Song ,Lanqin Gan , Wei Chen. Responses of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson) exposed to dietary cyanobacteria and subsequent recovery. Toxicon, 2012. 60: 1298-1306.

  9. Zhiqiang Guo, Xiaoming Zhu*, Jiashou Liu, Dong Han, Yunxia Yang, Zeqiao Lan, Shouqi Xie. Effects of dietary protein level on growth performance, nitrogen and energy budget of juvenile hybrid sturgeon, Acipenser baerii ♀×A. gueldenstaedtii ♂. Aquaculture. 2012. 338-341:89-95.

  10. 黄莹,朱晓鸣*,韩冬,杨云霞,金俊琰,李海燕,陈毅锋,解绶启。2012. 饲喂不同浓度黄曲霉毒素B1饲料对异育银鲫成鱼的生长和毒素积累的影响。水生生物学报, 36 (5): 817-825 。

  11. 董桂芳,解绶启,朱晓鸣*,韩冬,杨云霞。2012. 水华蓝藻对鱼类的营养毒理学效应。生态学报,32(19): 6233-6241。

  12. Ying Huang,Dong Han, Xiaoming Zhu*, Yunxia Yang, Junyan Jin, Yifeng Chen, Shouqi Xie. Response and recovery of gibel carp from subchronic oral administration of aflatoxin B1. Aquaculture. 2011. 319: 89-97.

  13. Guifang Dong, Xiaoming Zhu*, Dong Han, Yunxia Yang, Lirong Song, Shouqi Xie. Response and Recovery of Hybrid Sturgeon from Subchronic Oral Administration of Cyanobacteria. Environmental Toxicology, 2011. 26(2): 161-170.

  14. Zhiqiang Guo, Xiaoming Zhu*, Jiashou Liu, Dong Han, Yunxia Yang, Shouqi Xie, Zeqiao Lan. Dietary lipid requirement of juvenile hybrid sturgeon, Acipenser baerii ♀ × A. gueldenstaedtii ♂. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2011. 27: 743-748.

  15. 黄莹, 朱晓鸣*, 雷武, 解绶启, 杨云霞, 韩冬, 2010. 西伯利亚鲟在高温下饥饿后的补偿生长. 水生生物学报, 34: 1113-1121.

  16. 马志英, 朱晓鸣*, 解绶启, 杨云霞, 韩冬, 2010. 异育银鲫幼鱼对饲料苯丙氨酸需求的研究. 水生生物学报, 34: 1012-1021.

  17. 董桂芳, 朱晓鸣*, 杨云霞, 韩冬, 解绶启, 2010. 黄颡鱼饲料中添加谷胱甘肽降低藻毒素毒性作用的研究. 水生生物学报, 34(4): 722-730.

  18. Guifang Dong, Xiaoming Zhu*, Dong Han, Yunxia Yang, Lirong Song & Shouqi Xie, Effects of dietary cyanobacteria of two different sources on growth and recovery of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus). Toxicon,2009. 54:208–216.

  19. Lei Pan, Xiaoming Zhu*, Shouqi Xie, Wu LEI, Dong Han & Yunxia Yang. The effect of different dietary iron level on growth and hepatic iron concentration in juvenile Gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2009. 25:428–431.

  20. Lei Pan, Xiaoming Zhu*, Shouqi Xie, Wu LEI, Dong Han & Yunxia Yang. Effects of dietary manganese on growth and tissue manganese concentrations of juvenile gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio,Aquaculture Nutrition, 2008. 14, 459-463.

  21. Xiaoming Zhu, Shouqi Xie, Wu Lei, Yibo Cui, Yunxia Yang, R.J. Wootton. Compensatory growth in the Chinese longsnout catfish, Leiocassis longirostris following feed deprivation: Temporal patterns in growth, nutrient deposition, feed intake and body composition. Aquaculture, 2005. 248:307-314.

  22. Xiaoming Zhu, Shouqi Xie, Lei Wu, Yibo Cui, Yunxia Yang and R.J. Wootton. Compensatory growth and food consumption in gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, and longsnout catfish, Leiocassis longirostris, experiencing cycles of feed deprivation and re-feeding. Aquaculture, 2004. 241: 235–247.

  23. Xiaoming Zhu, Wu Lei, Yibo Cui, Yunxia Yang, & R.J. Wootton. Compensatory growth response in three-spined sticklebacks in relation to feed-deprivation protocols. Journal of Fish Biology, 2003. 62:195-205.

  24. Xiaoming Zhu, Yibo Cui, M. Ali & R.J. Wootton. Comparison of compensatory growth responses of juvenile three-spined stickleback and minnow following similar food deprivation protocols. Journal of Fish Biology , 2001, 58:1149-1165.


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