

  研究员,博士生导师。长期从事鱼类性别分化机制与遗传育种研究。2003年本科毕业于武汉大学生命科学学院生物学基地班;2008年获武汉大学遗传学博士学位,导师朱作言院士。曾获 “内地杰出学人计划”、武汉市“晨光计划”、武汉大学珞珈青年学者等青年人才计划资助。曾获湖北省五一劳动奖章、武汉大学十大杰出青年等荣誉称号。近年来,独立主持3项国家基金, 1项973子课题等国家级项目,在Cell,Blood, Nature Protocols, Molecular cell等国际权威SCI上发表论文20多篇,Endocrinology, Biology of Reproduction, International Journal of Biology Sciences等国际权威杂志审稿人。


  1. 鱼类性别控制与遗传育种

  2. 鱼类RNA生物学


  1. 长期关注鱼类RNA研究与遗传育种研究的关键技术,建立了多种有望运用于鱼类RNA生物学研究的高通量技术(Cell, 2019);建立了全基因组原位捕获与DNA相互作用RNA的GRID-seq新技术(Nature Protocols, 2019);突破并建立黄鳝等鱼类高效精准的基因编辑技术(Meth Mol Biol, 2019等)。

  2. 围绕鱼类性反转的分子机制,这一经典的、富有挑战性的重要科学问题,独辟蹊径在鱼类RNA转录调控做出了开创性工作,阐释了剪接体组分在鱼类中的新机制(Blood, 2019,封面文章);建立了多种鱼类性反转特殊材料(Sci Rep, 2015)。


  1. 遗传学

  2. 水产科学


  1. 鱼类性别控制与遗传育种

  2. 鱼类RNA生物学




  1. Xiao R#,*, Chen JY#, Liang Z#, Luo D, Chen G, Lu Z, Chen Y, Zhou B, Li H, Du X, Yang Y, San KM, Wei X, Liu W, Lecuyer E, Graveley BR, Yeo G, Burge CB, Zhang QM, Zhou Y, Fu XD*. Pervasive Chromatin-RNA binding protein interactions enable RNA-based regulation of transcription. Cell. 2019; doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.06.001 (SCI,IF=31.957)

  2. Zhou B#, Li X#,*, Luo D#, Lim DH, Zhou Y, Fu XD*. GRID-seq for comprehensive analysis of global RNA-Chromatin interactions. Nature Protocols. 2019; doi: 10.1038/s41596-019-0172-4. (SCI,IF=12.432)

  3. Yu S#, Jiang T#, Jia D, Han Y, Liu F, Huang Y, Qu Z, Zhao Y, Tu J, Lv Y, Li J, Hu X, Lu Z, Han S, Qin Y, Liu X, Xie S, Wang QK, Tang Z, Luo D*, Liu M*. BCAS2 is essential for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell maintenance during zebrafish embryogenesis. Blood. 2019; 133:805-815. (封面文章, SCI,IF=15.132)

  4. Luo D, Feng K, Zhu Z, Hu W*. Genrating gene knockout Oryzias Latipes and Rice Field eel using TALENs method. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2019; 1874:489-506. (Microinjection专著)

  5. Han S#, Gao M#, Liu F, Xie S, Yu S, Lu Z, Hu X, Liu X, Qin Y, Qu Z, Huang Y, Lv Y, Tu J, Li J, Yimer TA, Tang Z, Luo D*, Chen F*, Liu M*. The knockout of USH2A in zebrafish causes hearing impairment and late onset rod-cone dystrophy. Human Genetics. 2018; 137: 779-794. (SCI, IF= 3.930)

  6. Luo D, Liu Y, Chen J, Xia X, Cao M, Cheng B, Wang X, Gong W, Qiu C, Zhang Y, Cheng CH, Zhu Z, Hu W*. Direct production of XYDMY- sex reversal female medaka (Oryzias latipes) by embryo microinjection of TALENs. Scientific Reports. 2015;5:14057. (SCI, IF=5.178 )

  7. Qiu C, Cheng B, Zhang Y, Huang R, Liao L, Li Y, Luo D*, Hu W*, Wang Y*. Efficient knockout of transplanted green fluorescent protein gene in Medaka using TALENs. Marine Biotechnology. 2014; 16:674-83. (封面文章) (SCI, IF=3.269 )

  8. Liu Y#, Luo D#, Lei Y, Hu W*, Zhao H*, Cheng CH*. A high effective TALEN-mediated approach for targeted gene disruption in Xenopus tropicalis and zebrafish. Methods. 2014; 69:58-66. (SCI, IF= 3.998)

  9. Luo D, Hu W*, Chen S, Zhu Z. Critical developmental stages for the efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer in zebrafish. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2011; 7: 476-486. (SCI, IF=4.432 )

  10. Luo D, Hu W*, Chen S, Xiao Y, Sun Y, Zhu Z*. Identification of differentially expressed genes between cloned and zygote-developing zebrafish embryos at the dome stage using suppression subtractive hybridization. Biology of Reproduction. 2009; 80: 674-684. (SCI, IF= 4.007)

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