![]() 基本信息 郝玉江,男,1971年生,河北晋州人,中国科学院水生生物研究所,水生生物多样性与资源保护研究中心,鲸类保护生物学学科组,副研究员,中心副主任,第一党支部书记。 受教育经历 2003/09 – 2006/06,中国科学院水生生物研究所,博士 1998/09 – 2001/06,河北师范大学,生命科学学院,硕士 1991/09 – 1995/06,河北师范大学,生物系,本科 研究工作经历 2012/02 – 2013/2,美国Texas A&M University,访问学者 2010/12 – 至今中国科学院水生生物研究所,副研究员 2006/07 – 2010/11,中国科学院水生生物研究所,助理研究员 2001/07 – 2003/08,河北师范大学,生命科学学院,讲师 1995/07 – 2001/06,河北师范大学,生命科学学院,助教 研究兴趣 水生哺乳动物繁殖生理学:重点关注长江江豚等水生哺乳动物基本繁殖生物学规律以及人工饲养繁殖技术等方面的研究。 濒危水生动物适应生理学:重点关注濒危水生哺乳动物在种群衰退过程中渗透调节、能量代谢、营养需求等的适应变化及种群衰退机理研究。 招生信息 招生专业:动物学 研究方向:水生哺乳动物生理生态学 联系方式:电话:027 87801331;E-mail:hao.yj#ihb.ac.cn(发邮件时将#换成@) 代表性论著(*通讯作者) [1] Guo A.H., Hao Y.J.*, Wang J.Z., Zhao Q.Z. and Wang D*. Concentrations of osmotically related constituents in plasma and urine of finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis): implications for osmoregulatory strategies for marine mammals living in freshwater, Zoological Studies, 2014, 53: 10. [2] Mei Z.G., Huang S.L., Hao Y. J.*, Turvey S.T., Gong W.M., Wang D*. Accelerating population decline of Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis), Biological Conservation, 2012, 153, 192–200. [3] Huang S.L., Hao Y.J., Mei Z. G., Turvey S.T., Wang D*. Common pattern of population decline for freshwater cetacean species in deteriorating habitats, Freshwater Biology, 2012, 57, 6, 1266-1276. [4] Turvey S.T. *, Risley C.L., Barrett L.A., Hao Y.J., Wang D. River Dolphins Can Act as Population Trend Indicators in Degraded Freshwater Systems, PloS ONE, 2012, 7(5): e37902. [5] Wu H.P., Hao Y.J.*, Li X., Zhao Q.Z., Chen D.Q., Kuang X.A., Kou Z.B., Feng K., Gong W.M., Wang D.* B-Mode ultrasonographic evaluation of the testis in relation to serum testosterone concentration in male Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) during the breeding season, Theriogenology, 2010, 73, 383–391. [6] Wu H.P., Hao Y.J.*, Yu X.Y., Xian Y.J., Zhao Q.Z., Chen D.Q., Kuang X.A., Kou Z. B., Feng K., Gong W.M., Wang D.* Variation in sexual behaviors in a group of captive male Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis): motivated by physiological changes? Theriogenology, 2010, 74, 1467–1475. [7] Turvey S.T., Barrett L.A., Hart T., Collen B., Hao Y.J.*, Zhang L., Zhang X.Q., Wang X.Y., Huang Y.D., Zhou K.Y., and Wang D. Spatial and temporal extinction dynamics in a freshwater cetacean, Proceedings of Royal Society B. 2010, 277, 3139-3147. [8] Turvey S.T., Barrett L.A., Hart T., Collen B., Hao Y.J., Zhang L., Zhang X.Q., Wang X. Y., Huang Y. D., Zhou K. Y., and Wang D*. Rapidly shifting baselines in Yangtze fishing communities and local memory of extinct species, Conservation Biology, 2010, 24, 778–787. [9] Hao Y.J, Zhao Q.Z., Wu H.P., Chen D.Q., Gong C., Li L. and Wang D*. Physiological responses to capture and handling of free-ranging male Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis), Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 2009, 42:5, 315-327. [10] Hao Y. J., Wang D. Reproduction Research of Yangtze Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena Phocaenoides Asiaeorientalis). In: Animal Reproduction: New Research Developments, Editors: Lucas T. Dahnof, NOVA Publishers, 2009. pp. 251-267. [11] Hao Y. J., Zhao Q. Z.; Wu H. P.; Chen D. Q.; Gong C.; Li L.; Wang D*. Physiological responses to capture and handling of free-ranging male Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis). Marine and Freshwater, Behavior and Physiology, 2009, 42, 315-327. [12] Chen D. Q., Hao Y. J., Zhao Q. Z., Wang D*.Reproductive seasonality and maturity of male Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis in captivity: a case study based on the hormone evidence. Marine and Freshwater, Behavoir and Physiology, 2006, 39(2), 163-173. [13] Dong W. W., Xu Y., Wang D*, Hao Y. J.. Mercury concentrations in Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) from eastern Dongting Lake, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2006, 15, 441-447. [14] Wang D, Hao Y. J., Wang K. X., Zhao Q. Z. , Chen D. Q., Wei Z., Zhang X. F. The first Yangtze finless porpoise successfully born in captivity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2005, 12 (5), 247-250. [15] 王京真、于学颖、郭爱环、郝玉江*、王丁*. 鲸豚类的渗透调节研究进展,兽类学报, 32 (2):156 -167,2012. [16] 郝玉江、王克雄、韩家波、郑劲松、先义杰、姚志平、鹿志创、李海燕、张先锋*. 中国海兽研究概述, 兽类学报, 31(1):20-36, 2011. [17] 梅志刚、郝玉江、郑劲松、王克雄、李松海、王丁*. 长江江豚种群衰退机理研究进展, 生命科学, 23(5): 519-524, 2011. [18] 郝玉江,王丁*, 张先锋. 长江江豚繁殖生物学研究概述. 兽类学报, 2006, 26(2): 191-200. |