![]() 个人简介: 1980年生,博士,副研究员。2001年毕业于武汉大学生命科学学院,获学士学位。2006年毕业于水生生物研究所,获博士学位,同年留所工作。先后赴澳大利亚阿德莱德大学、美国亚利桑那州立大学、台湾大学开展合作研究,具有良好的国际学术联系。主要研究方向为水域生态学和生态信息学,目前主要从事水域生态系统自动监测与预警、浮游生物自动识别、浮游生物营养级相互作用机理等方面的研究。承担或参加包括国家自然科学基金、国家科技重大专项(水专项)等多项课题。已在Journal of Animal Ecology、Climatic Change等知名国内外学术期刊发表研究论文30余篇。中科院青年创新促进会会员、国际学术组织F1000会员(F1000 Associate Faculty Member)。 招生专业:水生生物学 研究方向:水域生态学、生态信息学 联系电话:027-68780030 电子邮箱: yelin#ihb.ac.cn(发邮件时将#换成@) 代表文章: [1] Ye, L., Q. Cai, M. Zhang, and L. Tan. 2014. Real-time observation, early warning and forecasting phytoplankton blooms by integrating in situ automated online sondes and hybrid evolutionary algorithms. Ecological Informatics 22:44-51. [2] García-Comas, C., C.-Y. Chang, L. Ye, A. R. Sastri, Y.-C. Lee, G.-C. Gong, and C.-h. Hsieh. 2014. Mesozooplankton size structure in response to environmental conditions in the East China Sea: How much does size spectra theory fit empirical data of a dynamic coastal area? Progress in Oceanography 121:141-157. [3] Tan, L., Q. Cai, H. Zhang, H. Shen, and L. Ye. 2014. Trophic status of tributary bay aggregate and their relationships with basin characteristics in a large, subtropical dendritic reservoir, china. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23:650-659. [4] Ye, L., C.-Y. Chang, C. García-Comas, G.-C. Gong, and C.-h. Hsieh. 2013. Increasing zooplankton size diversity enhances the strength of top-down control on phytoplankton through diet niche partitioning. Journal of Animal Ecology 82:1052-1061. [5] Ye, L., and N. B. Grimm. 2013. Modelling potential impacts of climate change on water and nitrate export from a mid-sized, semiarid watershed in the US Southwest. Climatic Change 120:410-431. [6] Wang, X., Q. Cai, L. Ye, and X. Qu. 2012. Evaluation of spatial and temporal variation in stream water quality by multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Xiangxi River basin, China. Quaternary International 282:137-144. [7] Ye, L., C. Y. Chang, and C. H. Hsieh. 2011. Bayesian model for semi-automated zooplankton classification with predictive confidence and rapid category aggregation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 441:185-196. [8] Ye, L., and Q. Cai. 2011. Spring phytoplankton blooms in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorges Reservoir: spatiotemporal dynamics across sharp nutrient gradients. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 26:11-18. [9] Xu, Y., Q. Cai, L. Ye, and M. Shao. 2011. Asynchrony of spring phytoplankton response to temperature driver within a spatial heterogeneity bay of Three-Gorges Reservoir, China. Limnologica-Ecology and Management of Inland Waters 41:174-180. [10] Li, F., Q. Cai, and L. Ye. 2010. Developing a benthic index of biological integrity and some relationships to environmental factors in the subtropical Xiangxi River, China. International Review of Hydrobiology 95:171-189. [11] Ye, L., Q.-h. Cai, R.-q. Liu, and M. Cao. 2009. The influence of topography and land use on water quality of Xiangxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir region. Environmental Geology 58:937-942. [12] Ye, L., and Q. Cai. 2009. Forecasting daily chlorophyll a concentration during the spring phytoplankton bloom period in Xiangxi Bay of the Three-Gorges Reservoir by means of a recurrent artificial neural network. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24:609-617. [13] Xu, Y., Q. Cai, L. Ye, S. Zhou, and X. Han. 2009. Spring diatom blooming phases in a representative eutrophic bay of the Three-Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24:191-198. [14] Xu, Y. Y., Q. H. Cai, and L. Ye. 2009. Temporal Coherence of Chlorophyll a during a Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in Xiangxi Bay of Three‐Gorges Reservoir, China. International Review of Hydrobiology 94:656-672. [15] Ye, L., X. Q. Han, Y. Y. Xu, and Q. H. Cai. 2007. Spatial analysis for spring bloom and nutrient limitation in Xiangxi bay of three Gorges Reservoir. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 127:135-145. [16] Ye, L., Y. Xu, X. Han, and Q. Cai. 2006. Daily dynamics of nutrients and chlorophyll a during a spring phytoplankton bloom in Xiangxi Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21:315-321. [17] Shao, M., Z. Xie, L. Ye, and Q. Cai. 2006. Changes in the benthic macroinvertebrates in Xiangxi Bay following dam closure to form the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21:717-719. [18] Qu, X., T. Tang, Z. Xie, L. Ye, D. Li, and Q. Cai. 2005. Distribution of the macroinvertebrate communities in the Xiangxi River system and relationships with environmental factors. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20:233-238. [19] 傅小城, 叶麟, 徐耀阳, 蔡庆华. 2010. 黄河主要水系水环境与底栖动物调查研究. 生态科学 29:1-7. [20] 李凤清, 叶麟, 刘瑞秋, 曹明, 蔡庆华. 2008. 三峡水库香溪河库湾主要营养盐的入库动态. 生态学报 28:2073-2079. [21] 李凤清, 叶麟, 刘瑞秋, 曹明, 蔡庆华. 2007. 香溪河流域水体环境因子研究. 生态科学 26:199-207. [22] 叶麟, 韩新芹, 蔡庆华. 2006. 香溪河库湾春季水华期间可溶性碳动力学研究. 水生生物学报 30:80-83. [23] 叶麟, 徐耀阳, and 蔡庆华. 2006. 香溪河库湾春季水华期间硝酸盐、磷酸盐的时空分布. 水生生物学报 30:75-79. [24] 薛俊增, 叶麟, 蔡庆华. 2006a. 三峡水库坝前段蓄水前后桡足类种类组成的变化. 水生生物学报 30:113-115. [25] 薛俊增, 叶麟, 蔡庆华, 刘建康. 2006. 三峡水库坝前段蓄水前后枝角类的周年变化. 水生生物学报 30:58-63. [26] 叶麟, 黎道丰, 唐涛, 渠晓东, and 蔡庆华. 2003. 香溪河水质空间分布特性研究. 应用生态学报 14:1959-1962. [27] 曹明, 蔡庆华, 刘瑞秋, 渠晓东, 叶麟. 2006. 三峡水库及香溪河库湾理化特征的比较研究. 水生生物学报 30:20-25. [28] 曹明, 蔡庆华, 刘瑞秋, 渠晓东, 叶麟. 2006. 三峡水库库首初期蓄水前后理化因子的比较研究. 水生生物学报 30:12-19. [29] 邵美玲, 谢志才, 叶麟, 蔡庆华. 2006. 三峡水库蓄水后香溪河库湾底栖动物群落结构的变化. 水生生物学报 30:64-69. [30] 谢志才, 马凯, 叶麟, 陈静, 蔡庆华. 2007. 保安湖大型底栖动物结构与分布格局研究. 水生生物学报 31:174-183. [31] 徐耀阳, 叶麟, 韩新芹, 蔡庆华. 2006. 香溪河库湾春季水华期间水体光学特征及相关分析. 水生生物学报 30:84-88. [32] 况琪军, 胡征宇, 周广杰, 叶麟, 蔡庆华. 2004. 香溪河流域浮游植物调查与水质评价. 武汉植物学研究 22:507-513. [33] 马凯, 蔡庆华, 谢志才, 黎道丰, 叶麟. 2003. 保安湖沉水植物分布的GIS模拟. 生态学报 23:2271-2277. |