



  目前已在国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文100余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者身份在Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal、Environmental Pollution、Science of The Total Environment等环境领域国内外权威刊物上发表学术论文40余篇,申请和授权发明和实用新型专利40余项。担任Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal、Environmental Science and Technology等国内外期刊审稿专家和国家自然科学基金网评专家。多项技术成果应用于杭州西湖、湖北武山湖、洪湖、东湖、苏州太湖蟹生态养殖园等生态修复工程,取得了良好的环境和社会效益。













    GL Bai, Y Zhang*, P Yan, WH Yan, LW Kong, L Wang, C Wang, ZS Liu, BY Liu, JM Ma, JC Zuo, J Li, J Bao, SB Xia, QH Zhou, D Xu, F He, ZB Wu*. Spatial and seasonal variation of water parameters, sediment properties, and submerged macrophytes after ecological restoration in a long-term (6 year) study in Hangzhou West Lake in China: submerged macrophyte distribution influenced by environmental variables. Water Research. 2020. (通讯作者) (IF: 9.13)

   Liu ZS, Zhang Y*, Kong LW, Liu L, Luo J, Liu BY, Zhou QH, He F, Xu D, Wu ZB. Preparation and preferential photocatalytic degradation of acephate with thecomposite photocatalyst Sr/TiO2-PCFM. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 374, 852-862. (通讯作者) (IF: 10.65)

   H Yang, SY Huang, Y Zhang*, BX Zhou, SM Ahmed, HM Liu, YW Liu, Y He, SB Xia?. Remediation effect of Cr (VI)-contaminated soil by secondary pyrolysis oil-based drilling cuttings ash. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 398, 125473. (通讯作者) (IF: 10.65)

   Zhang Y, He F, Xia SB, Zhou QH, Wu ZB. Studies on the Treatment Efficiency of Sediment Phosphorus with A Combined Technology of PCFM and Submerged Macrophytes, Environmental Pollution, 2015, 206, 705-711. (通讯作者) (IF: 6.79)

   YL Liu, F Han, GL Bai, LW Kong, ZS Liu, C Wang, BY Liu, F He, ZB Wu, Y Zhang*. The Promotion Effects of Silicate Mineral Maifanite on the Growth of Submerged Macrophytes Hydrilla verticillate. Environmental Pollution. 2020. (通讯作者) (IF: 6.79)

   Wang C, Liu ZS, Zhang Y*, Liu BY, Zhou QH, Zeng L, He F, Wu ZB. Synergistic removal effect of sediment P in all fractions by combining the modified bentonite granules and submerged macrophyte. Science of the total environment. 2018, 626 , 458-467.(通讯作者)(IF: 6.55)

   Liu ZS, Zhang Y*, Yan P, Luo J, Kong LW, Chang JJ, Liu BY, Xu D, He F, Wu ZB. Synergistic control of internal phosphorus loading using MMF coupled with submerged macrophytes in eutrophic shallow lakes. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 731, 138697. (通讯作者)(IF: 6.55)

   Han F, Zhang Y*, Liu ZS, Wang C, Luo J, Liu BY, Qiu DR, He F, Wu ZB. Effects of maifanite on growth, physiological and phytochemical process of submerged macrophytes Vallisneria spiralis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020, 189, 109941. (通讯作者)

   Zhang Y, Wang C, He F, Zeng L, Liu BY, Zhou QH, Wu ZB. In-situ Adsorption-Biological Combined Technology Treating Sediment Phosphorus in all Fractions in West Lake, Hangzhou, China, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 29725.

   Zhang Y, He F, Liu ZS, Liu BY, Zhou QH, Wu ZB. Release characteristics of sediment P in all fractions of West Lake, Hang Zhou, China, Ecological Engineering, 2016, 95:645-651.

   Zhang Y, He F, Kou DD, Xu D, Xia SB, Wu ZB. Adsorption of sediment phosphorus by porous ceramic filter media coated with nano-titanium dioxide film, Ecological Engineering, 2014, 64, 186-192.

   Liu ZS, Zhang Y*, Liu BY, Zeng L, Xu D, He F, Kong LW, Zhou QH, Wu ZB. Adsorption performance of modified bentonite granular (MBG) on sediment phosphorus in all fractions in the West Lake, Hangzhou, China. Ecological Engineering. 2017, 106, 124-131.(通讯作者)

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