![]() 个人简历 女,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2003年进入中国科学院水生生物研究所攻读博士学位(硕博连读),师从桂建芳院士,2009年获得遗传学博士学位,2009年至2011年在中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所从事神经生物学方向的博士后研究,随后加入中科院水生所,任助理研究员,研究鱼类先天免疫细胞标记基因发生作用的分子机理和鱼类分子免疫佐剂的应用。2015年12月晋升副研究员后,聚焦于鱼类肠粘膜免疫的调控网络分析,并于2017年3月赴荷兰瓦格宁恩大学访学,与动物科学系细胞生物学与免疫学学科组(Cell biology & immunology group)开展合作研究。2018年8月加入水体生物信息学学科组,采用整合生物信息学和传统分子与细胞免疫学技术,系统分析鱼类肠黏膜炎症的抗炎机理,预测抗炎通路相关的药物,并运用神经免疫调控的原理研发缓解肠炎的饲料添加剂。目前已发表论文28篇,其中包括SCI收录期刊论文21篇,中文核心期刊论文7篇,申请专利5项;目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,作为骨干参与中国科学院战略性先导科技专项1项;已完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、国家重点实验室开放课题和中国科学院水生生物研究所青年人才项目研究项目各1项。此外,还作为骨干参与过国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)课题、武汉东湖新技术开发区“3551光谷人才计划”等科研项目。担任Frontiers in Immunology的专栏编辑(Lead guest editor,2020-)、Journal of Alzheimer’s disease的副编辑(Associate Editor, 2014-2015),以及Aquaculture Research、Aquaculture Nutrition、Scientific Reports、Fish and Shellfish Immunology、Diseases of Aquatic Organisms等SCI期刊的审稿人。 研究内容:聚焦鱼类肠粘膜免疫系统的免疫调控网络,探索鱼类粘膜免疫功能及其调控效应。主要以模式鱼(斑马鱼)和经济鱼类为研究对象,以体外分选的免疫细胞培养物和鱼类细胞系等为实验材料,通过分子细胞生物学、生物信息学和营养免疫学等方法,研究粘膜免疫系统中的免疫细胞和免疫分子的功能和调控机理,探索黏膜免疫调控促进鱼类生长的分子信号通路及互作网络。 招生专业:遗传学 招生方向:鱼类粘膜免疫学 联系方式:电子邮箱:wunan#ihb.ac.cn(发邮件时将#换成@) 代表性论著: 期刊论文: 1. N Wu*, X Xu, B Wang, XM Li, YY Cheng, M Li, XQ Xia and YA Zhang. Anti-foodborne enteritis effect of galantamine potentially via acetylcholine anti-inflammatory pathway in fish. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2019, 97, 204-215. 2. N Wu, B Wang, ZW Cui, XY Zhang, YY Chen, X Xu, XM Li, ZX Wang, DD Chen and YA Zhang*. Integrative Transcriptomic and microRNAomic Profiling Reveals Immune Mechanism for the Resilience to Soybean Meal Stress in Fish Gut and Liver. Frontiers in Physiology, 2018, 9, 1154. 3. N Wu, YL Song, B Wang, XY Zhang, XJ Zhang, YL Wang, YY Cheng, DD Chen, XQ Xia, YS Lu and YA Zhang. Fish gut-liver immunity during homeostasis or inflammation revealed by integrative transcriptome and proteome studies. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 36048. 4. N Wu, XY Zhang, B Huang, N Zhang, XJ Zhang, X Guo, XL Chen, YA Zhang, H Wu, S Li, AH Li and YA Zhang. Investigating the potential immune role of fish NCAMs: Molecular cloning and expression analysis in mandarin fish. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2015, 46(2):765-777. 5. N Wu, SE LaPatra, J Li, JO Sunyer and YA Zhang. Complement C5a acts as molecular adjuvant in fish by enhancing antibody response to soluble antigen. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2014, 40(2):616-623. 6. N Wu*,XP Rao,YL Gao, J Wang, and FQ Xu. Aβ deposition and olfactory dysfunction in an Alzheimer's disease model. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2013, 37(4): 699-712. 7. N Wu, HM Yue, B Chen and JF Gui*. Histone H2A has a novel variant in fish oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 2009, 81: 275-83. 8. N Wu, CJ Li and JF Gui*. Molecular Characterization and Functional Commonality of Nucleophosmin/Nucleoplasmin in Two Cyprinid Fish. Biochemical Genetics 2009, 47: 749-762. 9. XL Huang, YX Jiang, WT Zhang, YY Cheng, YP Wang, XC Ma, Y Duan, L Xia, YX Chen, N Wu, MJ Shi* and XQ Xia. Construction of a high-density genetic mapand mapping of growth related QTLs in the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). BMC Genomics, 2020, 21:313. 10. KS Peng, N Wu, ZW Cui, XY Zhang, XB Lu, ZX Wang, DD Chen, YA Zhang*. Effect of the complete replacement of dietary fish meal by soybean meal on histopathology and immune response of the hindgut in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 2020, 221: 110009. 11. ZW Cui, XY Zhang, XJ Zhang, N Wu, LF Lu, S Li, DD Chen, YA Zhang*. Molecular and functional characterization of the indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2019, 89: 301-308. 12. XY Zhang, ZW Cui, N Wu, XB Lu, LF Lu, DD Chen, H Geng and YA Zhang. Investigating the potential immune role of IL-35 in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2019, 93: 78–88. 13. DD Chen, YY Yao, ZW Cui, XY Zhang, KS Peng, X Guo, B Wang, YY Zhou, S Li, N Wu and YA Zhang. Comparative study of the immunoprotective effect of two DNA vaccines against grass carp reovirus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2018, 75: 66-73. 14. S Li, X Guo, LF Lu, XB Lu, N Wu, YA Zhang. Regulation pattern of fish irf4 (the gene encoding IFN regulatory factor 4) by STAT6, c-Rel and IRF4. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2015, 51(1):65-73. 15. XJ Zhang, XY Zhang, N Zhang, X Guo, KS Peng, H Wu, LF Lu, N Wu, DD Chen, S Li et al. Distinctive structural hallmarks and biological activities of the multiple cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides in a primitive teleost fish. Journal of Immunology 2015, 194(10):4974-4987. 16. S Li, LF Lu, H Feng, N Wu, DD Chen, YB Zhang, JF Gui, P Nie, YA Zhang. IFN regulatory factor 10 is a negative regulator of the IFN responses in fish. Journal of Immunology 2014, 193(3):1100-1109. 17. JY Tian, ZT Qi, N Wu, MX Chang, P Nie. Complementary DNA sequences of the constant regions of T-cell antigen receptors alpha, beta and gamma in mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi Basilewsky, and their transcriptional changes after stimulation with Flavobacterium columnare. Journal of Fish Disease 2014, 37(2):89-101. 18. HM Yue, Z Li, N Wu, Z Liu, Y Wang, JF Gui. Oocyte-specific H2A variant H2af1o is required for cell synchrony before midblastula transition in early zebrafish embryos. Biology of reproduction 2013, 89(4):82, 1–13. 19. 丁瑞雪,武俊瑞*,岳喜庆,吴南,陶冬冰,洛雪,乌日娜. 益生菌对肠道营养健康调控作用的研究进展. 中国乳品工业,2018年01期 20. 吴南,郭佳,熊丽,张永安*. 罗非鱼链球菌病疫苗的研究进展. 南方水产科学,2013, 9(6): 85-90. 21. 吴南,张永安*.鱼类自然杀伤样细胞的研究进展. 水生生物学报,2012, 36(6): 1176-1183. 22. 吴南,桂建芳 *. 组蛋白变体及组蛋白替换. 遗传 2006, 28: 493-500. 期刊专栏: N Wu*, CG Feijoo, WD Jiang, R Waagbo, M Wan. Gastrointestinal Immunity and Crosstalk with Internal Organs in Fish, Frontiers in Immunology, 2020, Research Topic. 专利: 1. 吴南,张永安,王标,彭开松,一种用于评价鱼类植物性饲料的抗营养因子效应的方法(申请号:201910525859.7) 2. 夏晓勤,吴南,黎明,石米娟,程莹寅,张婉婷,青藤碱在防治豆粕饲料引起的鱼类肠肝炎症中的应用(申请号:201910847367) 3. 夏晓勤,吴南,黎明,石米娟,程莹寅,张婉婷,沙棘在防治豆粕饲料引起的鱼类肠肝炎症中的应用(申请号:201910846893.4) 4. 夏晓勤,夏雷,段攸,石米娟,张婉婷,程莹寅,吴南,一种直接从全基因组重测序数据中得到微单体型及其分型的方法(申请号:201811248346.8) 5. 张永安,吴南,王标,加兰它敏在防治豆粕饲料引起的鱼类肠炎中的应用(申请号:201810428821.3) |