![]() 个人简介: 男,1979年生,无党派人士,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。研究领域为微生物生态学与环境工程学,重点关注微生物在污染过程中的作用、藻菌生物关系、底泥污染释放特征与机理及控制、污水处理系统中基质研制和微生物引入以及系统优化、湖滨带生态修复等研究与技术研发。 现任中国科学院水生生物研究所水环境工程中心副主任,环境生物化学学科组组长。 1997-2001年,山东师范大学,生物系,理学学士 2001-2005年,中国科学院水生生物研究所,理学博士 2005-2006年,丹麦哥本哈根大学,高级访问学者 2006-2011年,中国科学院水生生物研究所,实验师 2011-2017年,中国科学院水生生物研究所,高级实验师 2017-至今,中国科学院水生生物研究所,副研究员 2018-至今,中国科学院水生生物研究所,环境生物化学学科组组长 2019-至今,中国科学院水生生物研究所,水环境工程研究中心副主任。 先后主持国家“十一五”、“十二五”、 “十三五”重大科技专项巢湖项目子课题、国家重点研发计划“战略性国际科技创新合作”重点专项子课题、国家自然科学基金青年基金与面上项目、中国科学院知识创新项目、重点交叉项目、美丽中国项目、瑞典国际科学基金会项目以及地方委托项目等 20余项。现与俄罗斯科学院动物研究所、黑海研究所、马来西亚马来亚大学、保加利亚农业科学院渔业资源研究所、斯洛文尼亚约瑟夫斯蒂芬研究所、意大利国立海洋和实验地球物理研究所、意大利国家研究委员会近岸海洋环境研究所等多个实验室保持着密切联系和实质性合作。以第一作者或通讯作者发表相关学术论文30余篇,获授权专利3件,参编专著1部,获安徽省科学技术研究成果奖。 近期研究兴趣:1)微生物对营养循环的作用;2)附着细菌的生态学意义;3)污水处理系统基质与装置研制;4)底泥污染控制技术研发;5)湖滨带生态修复技术研发。 招生专业:环境科学 招生方向:环境微生物学、微生物生态学、污染控制、污水处理、生态修复 联系电话:027-68780221,15972197902 电子邮箱:clsong#ihb.ac.cn(发邮件时将#换成@) 代表论文(*通讯作者): 1. Chunlei Song, Xiuyun Cao, Yiyong Zhou, Maurizio Azzaro, Luis Salvador Monticelli, Giovanna Maimone, Filippo Azzaro, Rosabruna La Ferla and Gabriella Caruso*, 2019. Nutrient regeneration mediated by extracellular enzymes in water column and interstitial water through a microcosm experiment. Science of the Total Environment, 670:982-992. 2. Xiuyun Cao, Xiaoyan Chen, Chunlei Song*, Yiyong Zhou. 2019. Comparison of phosphorus sorption characteristics in the soils of riparian buffer strips with different land use patterns and distances from the shoreline around Lake Chaohu. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19:2322-2329. 3. Lingling Wan, Lu Cao, Xiuyun Cao, Yiyong Zhou and Chunlei Song*, 2019. Optimized parameters and mechanisms for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus Removal in stormwater biofilters: A pilot study. Environmental Engineer Science, 36: 372-383. 4. Zhang Yao, Song Chunlei*, Ji, Lei, Liu, Yuqian, Xiao Jian, Cao Xiuyun and Zhou Yiyong, 2018. Cause and effect of n/p ratio decline with eutrophication aggravation in shallow lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 627, 1294-1302. 5. Chunlei Song, Xiuyun Cao, Yiyong Zhou, Maurizio Azzaro, Luis Salvador Monticelli, Giovanna Maimone, Filippo Azzaro, Rosabruna La Ferla and Gabriella Caruso*, 2018. Different pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration mediated by extracellular enzymes in temperate lakes under various trophic state. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25:31603–31615. 6. Chunlei Song, Morten S?ndergaard, Xiuyun Cao & Yiyong Zhou, 2018. Nutrient Utilization Strategies of Algae and Bacteria after the Termination of Nutrient Amendment with Different Phosphorus Dosage: A Mesocosm Case. Geomicrobiology Journal, 35: 294-299. 7. Xiuyun Cao, Lingling Wan, Jian Xiao, Xiaoyan Chen, Yiyong Zhou, Zhicong Wang, Chunlei Song*, 2018. Environmental effects by introducing Potamogeton crispus to recover a eutrophic Lake. Science of the Total Environment, 621, 360-367. 8. Xiuyun Cao, Chunlei Song*, Xiao Jian,Yiyong Zhou. 2018. The optimal width and mechanism of riparian buffers for storm water nutrient removal in the Chinese eutrophic Lake Chaohu watershed. Water, 10: 1489. 9. Liu YQ, Cao XY, Li H, Zhou ZJ, Wang SY, Wang ZC, Song CL*, Zhou YY, 2017. Distribution of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria in relation to fractionation and sorption behaviors of phosphorus in sediment of The Three Gorges Reservoir. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24: 17679-17687. 10. Gabriella Caruso, Maurizio Azzaro, Luis Salvador Monticelli, Marcella Leonardi, Xiuyun Cao, Yiyong Zhou and Chunlei Song*, 2017. Seasonal variations in microbial parameters and trophic states in a large Chinese shallow lake (Lake Taihu). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26:785-796. 11. Liu Yang, Yuqian Liu, Xiuyun Cao, Zijun Zhou, Siyang Wang, Jian Xiao, Chunlei Song*, Yiyong Zhou, 2017. Community composition specificity and potential role of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria attached on the different bloom-forming cyanobacteria. Microbiological Research, 205: 59-65. 12. Zhou ZJ, Xu P, Cao XY., Zhou YY, Song CL*, 2016. Efficiency promotion and its mechanisms of simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in stormwater biofilters. Bioresource Technology, 218, 842-849. 13. Li H, Song CL*, Cao XY, Zhou YY, 2016. The phosphorus release pathways and their mechanisms driven by organic carbon and nitrogen in sediments of eutrophic shallow lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 572, 280. 14. Cao XY, Wang ZC, Zhou YY, Song CL*, 2016. The contribution of attached bacteria to Microcystis bloom: evidence from field investigation and microcosm experiment. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2016, 33: 607-617. 15. Liu Huali, Zhou Yiyong, Xiao Wenjuan, Ji lei, Cao Xiuyun, Song Chunlei*, 2012. Shifting nutrient-mediated interactions between algae and bacteria in a microcosm: Evidence from alkaline phosphatase assay. Microbiological Research, 167: 292-298. 16. Zhou Chi, Zhou Yiyong, Chen Xi, Li Yang, Cao Xiuyun, Song Chunlei*, 2011. Linkage between land use patterns and sediment phosphorus sorption behaviors along shoreline of a Chinese large shallow lake (Lake Chaohu). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 403, 06. 17. Xiuyun Cao, Chunlei Song*, Yiyong Zhou. 2010. Limitations of using extracellular alkaline phosphatase activities as a general indicator for describing P deficiency of phytoplankton in Chinese shallow lakes. J Appl Phycol. 22: 33-41. 18. Song Chunlei, Cao Xiuyun, Liu Yunbing and Zhou Yiyong, 2009. Seasonal Variations in Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Relation to Potentials of Sediment Phosphate Release by Different Mechanisms in a Large Chinese Shallow Eutrophic Lake (Lake Taihu). Geomicrobiology Journal, 26(7): 508-515. 19. Song Chunlei, Cao Xiuyun, Zhou Yiyong, 2009. Fluctuation of size fractionated alkaline phosphatase after bloom disappearance in two shallow ponds. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2009,18 (6):982-988. 20. 周驰,李阳,曹秀云,周易勇,宋春雷*. 风干和淹水过程对巢湖流域土壤和沉积物磷吸附行为的影响。长江流域资源与环境,2012,21(Z2):8-15。 21. 李阳,周驰,曹秀云,周易勇,宋春雷*. 巢湖沿岸带常见野生植物对磷缓冲能力的影响. 长江流域资源与环境,2012,21(Z2):16-22. 22. 宋春雷,李阳,周驰,周易勇. 巢湖迎风面直立堤岸生态修复技术研究.长江流域资源与环境,2012,21(Z2):35-40. 相关专利: 1、发明专利:一种高效脱氮除磷的土地处理方法及系统,申请号:201610543065.X. 发明人:宋春雷 周易勇 曹秀云 汪志聪 周子俊 2、发明专利:一种用于迎风面堤岸的基底改善与生态修复方法,授权号:201610704715.4. 发明人:宋春雷 周易勇 曹秀云 汪志聪 3、实用新型专利:一种高效脱氮除磷的土地处理装置,授权号:201620726070.X. 发明人:宋春雷 周易勇 曹秀云 汪志聪 周子俊 主持相关项目课题: 1.项目名称:赤潮发生过程中微生物环的作用。来源:国家重点研发计划“战略性国际科技创新合作”重点专项。经费:180万。起止时间:2017-2020. 2.项目名称:清水廊道(水质保障)技术验证评估与示范应用。来源:水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项-巢湖水专项。经费:210万。起止时间:2017-2020. 3.项目名称:陆向岸线景观斑块最小保护面积与优化空间配置。来源:中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项。经费:90万。起止时间:2019-2023. 4.项目名称:湖泊沉积物硝酸盐异化还原为铵与反硝化过程的偶联作用及其对藻类演替的影响。来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目。经费:70万。起止时间:2019-2022. 5.项目名称:陆向湖滨带生态系统综合评价与优化景观格局,来源:水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项-巢湖水专项,项目经费:60万元,起止时间:2012-2018; 6.项目名称:养殖池塘(稻田)水体和底质理化特性研究,来源:国家科技支撑计划,项目经费:20万元,起止时间:2012-2016; 7.项目名称:瓦埠湖生态安全调查与评估,来源:地方-安徽省环科院,项目经费:14万元,起止时间:2013-2016; 8.项目名称:瓦埠湖水源地底泥综合治理设计项目,来源:企业委托-寿县自来水公司,项目经费:27万元,起止时间:2013-2016; 9.项目名称:瓦埠湖陡涧河底泥综合治理设计项目,来源:地方-寿县窑口镇,项目经费:23万元,起止时间:2013-2016; 10.项目名称:沉积物中解磷细菌的分布及其在磷再生过程中的贡献,来源:国家重点实验室,项目经费:9万元,起止时间:2010-2011; 11.项目名称:湖水游离细菌和附着细菌与藻类之间的营养偶联关系,来源:国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目经费:19万元,起止时间:2009-2012; 12.项目名称:富磷区岩土中磷的生物可利用与藻类生长响应,来源:水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项-巢湖水专项,项目经费:15万元,起止时间:2008-2013; 13.项目名称:巢湖浮游植物与浮游细菌的关系及其在微生物控藻技术上的扩展,来源:瑞典国际科学基金会,项目经费:8万元,起止时间:2008-2013; 14.项目名称:直立堤岸基底修复与消落区生态重建技术研究,来源:水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项-巢湖水专项,项目经费:55.7万元,起止时间:2008-2012; |