![]() 个人简介: 男,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师 2006年毕业于武汉大学,获学士学位;2011年毕业于中国科学院水生生物研究所,获博士学位。致力于水生病毒及宿主免疫方面的研究工作,包括病毒的检测和鉴定、基因组序列测定、感染机制分析及宿主应答反应等。现为湖北省微生物学会和电镜学会理事。已完成国家自然科学青年基金1项,同时参加科技部重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)课题等多项研究,发表或合作发表SCI论文20余篇。近期研究侧重于水生病毒侵染及在宿主中复制的机制。 研究方向:水生病毒侵染及在宿主中复制的机制 研究内容: 1. 水生病毒侵染及复制:病毒的成功感染包括吸附和进入宿主细胞,在细胞中复制、装配和释放等步骤。以感染水生生物的病毒为研究对象,建立相关感染体系,分析病毒吸附和复制机制,为阐明水生病毒与宿主互作机理,研发抗病毒策略提供支撑。 2. 水生动物病毒检测:研发灵敏高效易用的病毒检测技术,应用于水产动物病毒性疾病检测诊断。 招生专业:水生生物学 招生方向:病毒及其分子生物学 联系电话:027-68780002 电子邮箱:kefei#ihb.ac.cn(发邮件时将#换成@) 代表性论文(*为通讯作者): 1. Ke F, Zhang QY*. Aquatic animal viruses mediated immune evasion in their host, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2019, 86: 1096-1105. 2. Ke F, Gui JF, Chen ZY, Li T, Lei CK, Wang ZH, Zhang QY*. Divergent transcriptomic responses underlying the ranaviruses-amphibian interaction processes on interspecies infection of Chinese giant salamander, BMC Genomics, 2018, 19:211. 3. Wang Y, Liu X, Lv S, Ren J, Ke F*, Identification and activity of a paralog of cathepsin S from yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) involved in immune response, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2017, 61: 16-23. 4. Wang Y, Ke F*, Ma J, Zhou S, A tandem-repeat galectin-9 involved in immune response of yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, against Aeromonas hydrophila, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 51: 153-160. 5. Ke F*, Zhang HB, Wang Y, Hou LF, Dong HJ, Wang ZF, Pan GW, Cao XY, Molecular cloning and characterization of a C-type lectin in yellow catfish Tachysurus fulvidraco, Journal of Fish Biology, 2016, 89: 1692-1703. 6. Ke F, Wang Y*, Hong J, Xu C, Chen H, Zhou SB, Characterization of MMP-9 gene from a normalized cDNA library of kidney tissue of yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2015, 45: 260-267. 7. Ke F#, He LB#, Zhang QY*, Nonstructural protein NS80 is crucial in recruiting viral components to form aquareoviral factories, PLoS One, 2013, 8(5): e63737. (#co-first author). 8. Ke F, He LB, Pei C, Zhang QY*, Turbot reovirus (SMReV) genome encoding a FAST protein with a non-AUG start site, BMC Genomics, 2011, 12: 323. 9. Kim YS#, Ke F#, Lei XY, Zhu R, Zhang QY*, Viral envelope protein 53R gene highly specific silencing and iridovirus resistance in fish Cells by AmiRNA, PLoS One, 2010, 5: e10308. (#co-first author). 10. Ke F, Zhao Z, Zhang QY*, Cloning, expression and subcellular distribution of a Rana grylio virus late gene encoding ERV1 homologue, Molecular Biology Reports, 2009, 36: 1651-1659. |