学科组负责人:陈毅峰 研究员
招生导师:陈毅峰 研究员 贾银涛 副研究员
1. 生物入侵:探讨外来鱼类对我国淡水鱼类区系格局的影响,对青藏高原外来鱼类进行跟踪和监测,研究外来鱼类的可塑性变化和监测预警机制的构建。

2. 适应性进化:阐明青藏高原鱼类的生活史特征,探讨高原鱼类对全球变化的响应以及与高原环境变化相关的鱼类性状演化。

3. 生物多样性:分析我国淡水鱼类的时空分布及其规律,研究青藏高原隆起及全球气候变冷过程中鱼类物种的分化和形成机制。

4. 河流健康评价:分析人类活动对鱼类分布和鱼类群落的影响,开展河流系统保护规划的研究,构建基于鱼类种群和群落的水生态系统健康评价方法。

1. Yintao Jia, Xiaoyun Sui, Yifeng Chen*, Dekui He. Climate change and spatial distribution shaped the life-history traits of schizothoracine fishes on the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent areas. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2020, 22: e01041
2. Kang Chen, Yintao Jia*, Xiong Xiong, Heying Sun, Ren Zhu, Yifeng Chen*. Integration of taxonomic distinctness indices into the assessment of headwater streams with a high altitude gradient and low species richness along the upper Han River, Ecological Indicators. 2020, 112: 101106
3. Chunlong Liu, Lise Comte,Weiwei Xian, Yifeng Chen*, Julian D. Olden. Current and projected future risks of freshwater fish invasions in China. Ecography. 2019, 42: 2074–2083
4. Juan Tao, Dekui He, Mark J. Kennard, Chengzhi Ding, Stuart E. Burn, Chunlong Liu, Yintao Jia, Rongxiao Che, Yifeng Chen*. Strong evidence for changing fish reproductive phenology under climate warming on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology. 2018, 24: 2093–2104
5. Xiu Feng, Dekui He, Xiaoyun Sui, Yongxia Chen, Yifeng Chen*. Morphological and genetic divergence between lake and river populations of Triplophysa in Ngangtse Co, Tibet. Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2018, 29(5): 778–784
