职 称: | 副研究员 |
学 历: | 博士研究生 |
联系方式: | 13554659857 |
电子邮件: | zhangxl#ihb.ac.cn(请改#为@) |
办 公 室: | 3号实验楼613 |
个人网页: |
1998.9-2002.6 河北大学 微生物学专业 本科 2003.9-2009.6 武汉大学 植物学专业 博士(硕博连读) |
2009.6-2012.6 中国科学院水生生物研究所 博士后 2012.6-2021.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所 助理研究员 2021.12-至今 中国科学院水生生物研究所 副研究员 |
水生生物学(硕士生) |
水生植物适应性进化与群落构建: 重点关注水生植物的物种形成、适应性变异、以及生态位分化等现象,探讨变化环境下水生植物群落的动态响应机制,支撑水生植被修复与管理。 |
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32071574):沉水植物表型可塑性以及谱系关系在局域和区域尺度上对群落构建的影响,2021-2024年,59万元,主持; 2. 国家重点研发计划子课题(2021YFC3200103):长江黄河流域指示水生植物筛选及分布特征,2022-2025年,40万元,主持; 3. 贵州省生态环境厅项目:草海水生态系统恢复与水质提升技术研发与工程示范项目,2021-2024年,897.5万元,参与; 3. 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题(2012ZX07105004):洱海退化生境受损状态评估与改善技术,2012-2017年,80万元,主持; 4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31200356):典型沉水植物生活史策略对水深梯度的响应及其引发的种群动态,2013-2015年,24万元,主持; 5. 服务地方政府和企业项目若干。 |
适应性变异伴随着物种的进化过程,是物种应对生存竞争的重要手段。通过对区域尺度多种沉水植物形态特征、功能性状、生态位以及群落结构研究,揭示了沉水植物采用非常丰富的适应性机制来维持物种适合度,发现适应性变异引起的生态位分化影响了沉水植物群落构建过程,揭示了“多样性——群落稳定性——生态系统功能”之间的响应关系。 1. 揭示多种沉水植物适应性变异对维持适合度的贡献 揭示了沉水植物这一类群具有非常丰富的适应性机制,可通过形态、生理和个体间克隆整合策略的变异,维持适合度以适应多种生境。揭示了眼子菜属多个物种可通过自然杂交使后代获得更高适合度,并经由营养繁殖维持其适合度及种群扩张的机制,该研究部分阐释了眼子菜属植物在全球多样生境中广泛分布并呈现较高物种多样性的现象。 2. 发现微齿眼子菜种子对其母本生境的“记忆”现象 微齿眼子菜能够形成与生长水深相匹配的适应性变异,而我们发现微齿眼子菜种子萌发所需的适宜水深与其母本的生长水深具有高度一致性,这一现象表明母体可通过此途径将其对水深的适应性传给子代,维持子代的适合度,从而奠定种群在异质生境中的分化基础。 3. 定量评价沉水植物生态位,揭示适应性变异对群落构建的影响 获得了洱海多种沉水植物的分布水深生态位,阐释了沉水植物群落沿水深梯度的群落构建机制,为洱海生态水位调控提供科学支撑。揭示了沉水植物适应性变异引起的生态位分化是维持群落稳定性的重要因素。阐释了沉水植物群落稳定性维持机制在时空尺度上的变异模式,为水生植物群落重建提供支撑。
代表性论文: 1. Hao Wang, Xiaolin Zhang*, Hang Shan, Chaochao Lv, Wenjing Ren, Zihao Wen, Yuqing Tian, Benjamin Weigel, Leyi Ni, Te Cao. Biodiversity buffers the impact of eutrophication on ecosystem functioning of submerged macrophytes on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Southwest China. Environmental Pollution. 2022. (314): 120210. 2. Hao Wang, Zihao Wen, Wenjing Ren, Leyi Ni, Xiaolin Zhang*, Kuanyi Li, Te Cao. What is the mechanism of submerged macrophyte biodiversity affecting biomass productivity along water depth: Niche complementarity or selection effect? Ecological Indicators. 2022. (138):108858. 3. Qingchuan Chou, Wei Zhang, Jianfeng Chen, Wenjing Ren, Changbo Yuan, Zihao Wen, Xiaolin Zhang*, Te Cao, Leyi Ni, Erik Jeppesen. Phenotypic responses of a submerged macrophyte (Vallisneria natans) to low light combined with water depth. Aquatic Botany. 2022. (176): 103462. 4. Wenjing Ren, Zihao Wen, Yu Cao, Hao Wang, Changbo Yuan, Xiaolin Zhang*, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie, Te Cao*, Kuanyi Li, Erik Jeppesen. Cascading effects of benthic fish impede reinstatement of clear water conditions in lakes: A mesocosm study. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022. (301): 113898. 5. Zihao Wen, Hao Wang, Zhonghai Zhang, Yu Cao, Yiqian Yao, Xiaoyu Gao, Yuqing Tian, Haojie Su, Leyi Ni, Wen Xiao, Qinghua Cai, Xiaolin Zhang*, Te Cao*. Depth distribution of three submerged macrophytes under water level fluctuations in a large plateau lake. Aquatic Botany. 2022. (176): 103451. 6. Hao Wang, Hui Fu, Zihao Wen, Changbo Yuan, Xiaolin Zhang*, Leyi Ni, Te Cao. Seasonal patterns of taxonomic and functional beta diversity in submerged macrophytes at a fine scale. Ecology and Evolution. 2021. (11): 9827– 9836. 7. Changbo Yuan, Xiaohu Bai, Tianshun Zhu, Zihao Wen, Te Cao, Xiaolin Zhang*, Leyi Ni. Long-term effects of the harvesting of Trapa natans of local water quality and aquatic macrophyte community in Lake Erhai, China. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021. (9): 706746. 8. Qingchuan Chou, Anders Nielsen, Tobias K. Andersen, Fenjuan Hu, Weiyu Chen, Xiaolin Zhang*, Te Cao, Leyi Ni, Erik Jeppesen, Dennis Trolle. Assessing impacts of changes in external nutrient loadings on a temperate Chinese drinking water reservoir. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021. (9): 632778. 9. Zihao Wen, Yiwei Ma, Hao Wang, Yu Cao, Changbo Yuan, Wenjing Ren, Leyi Ni, Qinghua Cai, Wen Xiao, Hui Fu, Te Cao*, Xiaolin Zhang*. Water level regulation for eco-social services under climate change in Erhai Lake over the past 68 years in China. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021. (9): 697694. 10. Wenjing Ren, Yiqian Yao, Zhonghai Zhang, Yu Cao, Changbo Yuan, Hao Wang, Qingchuan Chou, Leyi Ni, Xiaolin Zhang*, Te Cao*. Changes of periphyton abundance and biomass driven by factors specific to flooding inflow in a river inlet area in Erhai Lake, China. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021. (9): 680718. 11. Hao Wang, Zihao Wen, Zhonghai Zhang, Xiaolin Zhang*, Hui Fu, Yu Cao, Leyi Ni, Te Cao*, Kuanyi Li. Environmental vs. spatial drivers of submerged macrophyte community assembly in different seasons and water depths in a mesotrophic bay of Erhai Lake, China. Ecological Indicators. 2020. (117): 106696. 12. Wasana de Silva, Te Cao, Zihao Wen, Xiaolin Zhang*, Leyi Ni. Potential spreading risk of an invasive snail species (Pomacea canaliculata) in freshwater habitats of Asia. Current Science. 2019. 117(06): 1071-1078. 13. Changbo Yuan, Tianshun Zhu, Te Cao, Yilong Xi, Xiaolin Zhang*, Leyi Ni. Antioxidant systems of aquatic macrophytes in three life forms: a case study in Lake Erhai, China. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2019. (37): 665-674. 14. Liang He, Tianshun Zhu, Yao Wu, Wei Li, Huan Zhang, Xiaolin Zhang*, Te Cao*, Leyi Ni, Sabine Hilt. Littoral slope, water depth and alternative response strategies to light attenuation shape the distribution of submerged macrophytes in a mesotrophic lake. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019. (10): 169. 15. Hong Su, Tianshun Zhu, Xiaohu Bai, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie, Xiaolin Zhang*. Seed germination indicates adaptive transgenerational plasticity in a submerged macrophyte. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018. (9): 1592. 16. Xin Tang*, Xiaolin Zhang*, Te Cao, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie. Reconstructing clear water state and submersed vegetation on behalf of repeated flocculation with modified soil in an in situ mesocosm experiment in Lake Taihu. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. (625): 1433-1445. 17. Jianfeng Chen, Xu Hu, Te Cao, Xiaolin Zhang*, Yilong Xi, Xinli Wen, Haojie Su, Wasana de Silva, Tianshun Zhu, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie. Root-foraging behavior ensures the integrated growth of Vallisneria natans in heterogeneous sediments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017. 24(9): 8108-8119. 18. Fan Liu*, Xiaolin Zhang*, Qingfeng Wang, Hui Liu, Guangxi Wang, Wei Li. Resource allocation among sexual, clonal reproduction and vegetative growth of two Potamogeton species and their hybrid: adaptability of the hybrid in relation to its parents. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2013. 51(4): 461-467. 19. Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaoxia Li, Leyi Ni, Youhao Guo. When interspecific prezygotic barriers break down: hybridization between two Potamogeton species (P. wrightii and P. perfoliatus) and comparison of the artificial and natural hybrids. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2011. 295: 119-128. 20. Xiaolin Zhang, Robert W. Gituru, Chunfeng Yang, Youhao Guo. Exposure to water increased pollen longevity of pondweed (Potamogeton spp.) indicates different mechanisms ensuring pollination success of angiosperms in aquatic habitat. Evolutionary Ecology. 2010. 24: 939-953. 21. 姚轶倩,袁昌波,吕超超,曹特,张霄林*,倪乐意. 六种沉水植物的克隆生长特征研究。水生生物学报. 2022. 22. 孔祥虹,肖兰兰,苏豪杰,吴耀,张霄林*,李中强*. 长江下游湖泊水生植物现状及与水环境因子的关系。湖泊科学,2015. 27(3): 385-391.
专利软著: 1. 水生植物信息采集与数据管理应用软件V1.0 2. 一种便携探测淤泥厚度的简易装置及其应用 3. 一种超富营养化湖泊水体的立体生态修复方法 |
2019 《广西植物》优秀审稿人 2022 《湖泊科学》优秀审稿人 |
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