学科组负责人:桂建芳 研究员/院士
招生导师:桂建芳 研究员/院士、周莉 研究员、王忠卫 研究员、汪洋 副研究员、李熙银 副研究员
1. 聚焦鱼类等水产动物生殖和免疫相关基因的鉴定和功能研究,试图揭示其性别决定和分化、雌核生殖以及抗病等经济性状形成的遗传基础,发展性控育种、分子标记辅助育种和基因编辑等精准育种生物技术。
2. 进行多倍体鱼类全基因组解析,试图揭示基因组或亚基因组整入如何创制新种质导致养殖鱼类经济性状改良的遗传机制,由此开拓水产养殖动物新品种培育的染色体工程技术。
1. Gan RH, Wang Y, Li Z, Yu ZX, Li XY, Tong JF, Wang ZW, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF. (2021). Functional Divergence of Multiple Duplicated Foxl2 Homeologs and Alleles in a Recurrent Polyploid Fish. Mol Biol Evol, 38(5), 1995-2013. doi:10.1093/molbev/msab002.
2. Lu M, Li XY, Li Z, Du WX, Zhou L, Wang Y, Zhang XJ, Wang ZW, Gui JF. (2021). Regain of sex determination system and sexual reproduction ability in a synthetic octoploid male fish. Sci China Life Sci. 64(1): 77-87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-020-1694-7.
3. Yu P, Wang Y, Yang W, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF. (2021). Up-regulation of PPAR signaling pathway and accumulation of lipid are related to morphological and structural transformation of goldfish dragon-eye. Sci China Life Sci. 64(7): 1031-1049. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-020-1814-1.
4. Li XY, Liu XL, Zhu YJ, Zhang J, Ding M, Wang MT, Wang ZW, Li Z, Zhang XJ, Zhou L, Gui JF. Origin and transition of sex determination mechanisms in a gynogenetic hexaploid fish. Heredity, 2018, 121: 64-74. doi: 10.1038/s41437-017-0049-7.
5. Wang T, Li Z, Yu ZX, Wang ZW, Lian ZQ, Du WX, Zhao X, Wang MT, Miao C, Ding M, Wang Y, Zhou L, Zhang XJ, Li XY, Gui JF. (2021). Production of YY males through self-fertilization of an occasional hermaphrodite in Lanzhou catfish (Silurus lanzhouensis). Aquaculture, 539: 736622.

